How do I remove opensuse 11.2 kde login password echo?

I am having trouble finding the option to change this setting in opensuse 11.2. I type in username: “somebody” password: **** How do I get the password not to echo the stars and show nothing when it is entered? In OpenSuSE 10.2 I used to go to Personal Settings > Security & Privacy > Password & User Account but this menu does not exist anymore. Can someone point me in the right direction as to where the menu with this setting is located? Thank you


I am not sure my answer will help you, since I am using KDE4.5 RC3 (a developer version) and I don’t know whether that will match with your version, but I can configure password settings in a module called “user account details” (translated from german, it’s in the first segment of the KDE systemsettings).

I can not find it in 11.2 (KDE 4.3.5) either. Could be one of those things that were lost in the beginning of KDE 4, but that are popping up in later versions again.

Hi, just as another hint, i have found this option down in yast “user and group preferences” in the advanced option.

Okay. You guys were right. I did actually find the setting finally. in 11.2 I found it listed as System Settings > Personal > About Me and it is the familiar screen I needed. Thanks again for the tips. I thought I was losing it. About Me didn’t seem like a place I would find an account password setting, but indeed it was there.

I agree. “About me” is a very vague sort of expression.

Also I am a bit amazed that every user can set this himself. I do not even understand this completely. When I have a login screen (shown by kdm let us assume) and I fill in a username, this is not send off to kdm before I also enter a password and give Rtrn or click the Login button. So how can kdm influence how the password will echo without knowing what user this is about?