How do i install Suse on my PC?

Hi There,

     I am new to Linux. I have just downloaded a mirror copy of SUse 11.2 and formatted my hard drive, so i can install the linux OP. But it seems like that it is not readable or better to say the boot from CD-rom does not work! Am i on the right track here? How do i go by installing a Linux on a fresh hard drive?

Thank You, Armen.

NEW Users - openSuse Pre-install (general) – PLEASE READ - openSUSE Forums

11.2 Slideshow Images - Windows Live

Burn the DVD slow!
Take note of the media check in Pic1 !


first of all you should check in your computers BIOS if the boot sequence is correct. So after starting the computer hit the key to enter the BIOS. Normally it is ESC, DEL or one of the F-keys (F1, F2 …). [edit] Start hitting it after power on and hit it often until it beeps ore you entered the BIOS[/edit] Search for the boot sequence and look if CD/DVD is the first boot device of your PC. If you are totally lost look for a BIOS help site for your BIOS version. Just google “BIOS help your_bios_version”. I’m sure you get about one million hits. :wink:


