can tell how to install it?.. I really need this program…
On 05/22/2012 05:46 PM, zztopvv wrote:
> can tell how to install it?
what have you done so far to install it? did you get an error message
(what was it?), or in some other way get stuck (in what way)?
NoI just do not know how to install it… I’m new
in ubuntu I have installed… but in suse, I do not know how and where …
Please if you know you just tell me how…
On 05/22/2012 07:46 PM, zztopvv wrote:
> just tell me how
normally i’d say go to and one-click
install it, but i’ve already looked and its not there…
- download the source
- compile it
- install it
all of those will take a little reading…
1 - i don’t know where to find the source, but i bet google can and will
2 & 3 - read here (and,
ask questions when/if you get stuck
note: part of the fun of Linux is being able to do things your Windows
and Apple using friends can’t do…and, part of the fun of openSUSE is
being able to do thing that your Ubuntu, Mint, Kbuntu and other friends
can’t imagine being possible!!
Have a lot of fun.
thanks man
On 05/22/2012 09:56 PM, zztopvv wrote:
> thanks man
welcome…if you run into trouble compiling i’d suggest you start a new
thread, with (something like) “compiling gives [fill in with the error
one of the important things to remember when rolling your own: do config
and make as yourself, a normal user…only become root to do the final
make install…(and, you can usually install to your /home without
becoming root–but then only your user can use the program)