How do I go about migrating to an SSD?

I just got a 500 GB Crucial SSD ordered from Amazon. It was under $100 USD.
I want to migrate my Tumbleweed system to it.
I am EXT4.
I heard you don’t want a /swap as it will wear the drive out.
I’ve lived without swap before. It works fine.
How would I migrate my current install over to the SSD?

I would do a fresh install… swap, add it, but wind the swappiness down in /etc/sysctl.conf;

# Disable swap
vm.swappiness = 1
vm.vfs_cache_pressure = 50

With a fresh install, even with ext4, all optimizations for your SSD should be taken care of, trim runs automatically, deadline scheduler set etc. You can check after install via the mount command to see the mount details.

Then it’s just a matter of any other system configs being taken care off, home, just copy over.

You can use zypper to prepare a list of packages installed from other repos, create an inline list and zypper dup from the repo to add them back…

Well if you can live without a swap then put a small one on since you would seldom need it. It is good to have a swap just in case and if you don’t hit it often there is no great ware.

With ext4 you want some mount settings I use

noatime,nodiratime,discard,acl,user_xattr 1 1

This will reduce writes you may not need. Mostly stopping writing the access time for each file open There is argument about discard some say it is better to do a trim periodically rather then discard. In any case you can have daily terabyte writes for years on modern SSD