Ok, I am really new. But I see on forum posts, it appears people are able to switch from Gnome to KDE easily. How do you do that?
AND, I understand 11.3 has a preview of Gnome 3.0. How do I get that up and running? Please assist. I would appreciate any insights. Thank you.
While logging in, look out for “sessions” menu and select kde/gnome…If you are auto-logging in, log out and now find the “sessions”…
Regarding the gnome 3.0, I haven’t been using gnome much …Someone will help you out here…
Don’t know about Gnome 3.0 preview. I suspect you need to get it from factory or some other repository.
- You need to set the to NOT to auto-login. In KDE, Personal Settings-Advanced-Login Manager
- Gnome must be installed. Yast-Software Management select patterns select the gnome patterns and install
- at the login screen you can select which Desktop to use and/or be the default. (Hint:look at bottom of screen)
soldier101 and gogalthorp thank you for your help. I am running KDE right now, I like it!
Just install gnome-shell from the OSS repo in order for GNOME 3.0 Preview to show up in the list of available desktop environments at login.
oysterboy, I saw Gnome 2.29, would that be it?
duh, never mind, that was not it…still cannot find it.
I don’t know what you did exactly, but you just need to launch YaST - Install/Remove Software, search for the gnome-shell package, and install it. Then logout of your session and GNOME 3.0 Preview should be there.
Open a terminal and type in: “zypper search gnome-shell” (without the quotes). You should see something like:
**magtheridon:~ # zypper se gnome-shell
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
S | Name | Summary | Type
| gnome-shell | GNOME Shell | package
| gnome-shell-lang | Languages for package gnome-shell | package
If that is the case input the command (without quotes): “zypper install gnome-shell”; follow the on-screen instructions, and since you are a new, any doubts read the screen again.
So as you can see, the gnome-shell package is NOT installed. Just select it (select both items actually while you’re at it), click Apply, and it will get installed.
GREAT! Thank you everyone for your help. I have Gnome 3 up and running. Its Awesome. Again, thank you for your patience and checking back in with me through getting this done…very much appreciated.