How do I get rid of ""?

What exactly is this “”?
I downloaded openSuse from the official website, and I have everywhere.
When I start the computer, it says “Welcome to”.
When I click on start, it says beside my username:

When I open a terminal, it again says linux-ev4u:

I want to get rid of, and replace it with openSuse.
I want it to say <username> on openSuse in the start menu.
I want it to say “Welcome to openSuse” on the login screen.
I want it to say <username>@openSuse in the terminal.
How do I do this?

It’s a randomly generated hostname + domain or acquired from your DHCP server.

YAST -> Network Devices -> Network Settings -> Hostname/DNS -> Give your system a new hostname and remove checkmark from “Change Hostname via DHCP”

It worked!
Thank you, I couldn’t have figured this out in a million years without your help :slight_smile: