I am running both openSUSE 42.2 and Tumbleweed, both 64-bit KDE desktops. I hate the large white window that’s called “Desktop Folder” on the screen of Tumbleweed. I prefer to see my desktop showing only 2 icons called “Home” and “Trash”. In other words, it should look similar to that of my 42.2 desktop with only 2 such icons, no large white window containing 2 small icons.
We are just openSUSE users, same as you. There is no need to shout to us with all caps. Your chance of getting an answer will not increase when you shout. On the contrary.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. It’s not my intention to shout; it’s my habit to use upper case letters in the subject line when creating a document or memo. I would never use all capital letters in the body of the letter.