Upgraded my first box from 15.1 -> 15.2 offline, updated, etc.
Everything seems fine, except plasma widget Thermal Monitor in my user desktop. It kills plasma when opening the configuration dialog.
There is a fixed version in the kde store, and it works with a new user, but not my old one. It actually won’t even appear in the widget panel, although the “get new widgets” dialog says it is installed.
So, how do I completely remove it from my user desktop?
The folder is ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids. My google-fu is lacking…
I had to delete the widget folder and download, untar and copy the widget folder to the location above. Installation from the install widgets dialog box didn’t work.
As a general rule, clear out the user’s ~/.cache/ directory …
Another general rule is to search the user’s ~/.config/ directory for files with “plasma” in their name and, for files with content resembling the name of the plasmoid …
As a desperate measure, from a VT (tty1-6), without being logged in to the KDE GUI, remove the user’s ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc file and then, have the user log in to the KDE GUI session – they’ll have to tweak their desktop settings to return their previous configuration …
The only thing that I have in ~/.local/share/plasma/ is a “look-and-feel/” directory – I’m not sure what that plasmoid needed to drop into that directory …