How Do I Get An Installer and LiveUSB In SuseStudio?

I have an appliance on SuseStudio

However, when I put the “USB Stick / Hard Disk Image” image on my USB stick using ImageWriter I don’t get the option to launch an installer.
The other option seems to be Preload ISO but that doesn’t seem to have an option to run it in Live mode.

Am I misunderstanding this or am I missing a package?

How do I get an installer and a liveusb?

On 2014-09-16 16:56, opticyclic wrote:
> I have an appliance on SuseStudio

> How do I get an installer and a liveusb?

You should ask all that in the susestudio subforum here. Please ask a
moderator to move your post (triangle report button below).

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

Will be moved to SUSE Studio and is CLOSED for the moment.

Moved from Install/Boot/Login and open again.

You need to have the yast2-live-installer package installed.

The yast2-live-installer package is installed.

I can get an installer from the Preload ISO and I can get a Live USB from the “USB Stick / Hard Disk Image”.
However, I can’t seem to make an image that has both options together like the “real” OpenSUSE distro.

I misunderstood you - you won’t be able to give the preload into the GRUB menu with a live system.

When creating the studio image you have to choose which images to create, Live, Preload etc. since the image they produce are all different.

I was going to try building another appliance then I remembered this drawback of not being able to have an installer and a live usb at the same time.
Has the situation improved in the last two years?

AFAIK it should work, the option “Add live installer to CD and DVD” is still there.