How do I fix an Unstable linux 11.2 desktop?

Is there any way I can install an older version of kde like the on on suselinux 10.1 because the newer desktops are very unstable on my computers. stuff closes, stuff freezes temperarly, fortunetly nothing perminent has happened yet but its been threating to abolish my computer. Ive had other cases like this end up making me reinstall my operating system and Id really like to just fix the problem before it happens. page down is overrun with this horribly lagging scroll.
buttons look like there clicking occasionally and again it closes programs and has logged me out once already.

Also I think its java that I am using when editing stuff about my accounts because whenever I start to do stuff like that the desktop gooey really makes it unapealing, and i like to edit my accounts and stuff. when I installed 11.2 the second time I selected other for type of desktops to install and I didn’t see a kde 3.5 or anything whoch sucks because I think suse linux 10.1 or something had that option but there are still alot of really horrible mights.

Sounds like you need to install a graphics driver

tell us about your hardware, is it strong enough to run 11.2 or do you
need a lighter distro?

KDE3 is not available with 11.2, i think it was available with 11.0
but i am not sure…you might want to look at Gnome or other…KDE3 is

and, like caf said: sounds like you need to work on your graphics
drivers…tell him about your hardware and he knows what to do…

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

I needed a lighter distro. also Since you guys are here I wanted to say that I was hoping the next release you could add the option for a lighter distro in the installation. I hope ill never have to download or install another operating system in my life actually but Im not sure thats gonna be a possability.

At this point of the dvd install

select ‘other’
then xfce

Hey I wanted to ask you guys if you also could make a minimul installation with a lighter kde option and if you could make sure apache2, midnight commander, a decent ftp server, dns, a decent personal mail server that uses your domain, and in the minimul kde kcontrol and a network monitor that tells you when people are enter passwords and connecting to your computer. again i just wanted to cross my fingers and recommend a Minimul suse installation.

I like kde and yast and stuff I already installed suse linux 10.1 back on my computer
and it runs prety good. I even have a web page running and my mud server up and running.

satellite image

errigour wrote:
> make a minimul installation with a lighter kde … apache2,
> midnight commander, ftp server, dns, mail server … network monitor…

sounds like you need to go to and just pick and
choose the bits and pieces until you have exactly The openSUSE you

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

On Wed, 09 Jun 2010 18:53:48 GMT, DenverD
<> wrote:

>tell us about your hardware, is it strong enough to run 11.2 or do you
>need a lighter distro?
>KDE3 is not available with 11.2, i think it was available with 11.0
>but i am not sure…you might want to look at Gnome or other…KDE3 is
>and, like caf said: sounds like you need to work on your graphics
>drivers…tell him about your hardware and he knows what to do…

Not too long ago someone made up a Suse 11.2 with a KDE 3.5 desktop for
somebody. I think it may still be available on open build service.

Otherwise back off to 11.0 or 11.1 as both have KDE 3.5 available.

KDE3 is still available for current openSUSEs (even though it really is history). Yet I suggest trying to solve the problems you have instead of bypassing them with a desktop environment which soon will loose any support. By the way: KDE4 actually is more lightweight on the resources than KDE3.