Is there a way for opensuse 11.2 to list out my pc’s mac address?
On 07/27/2010 04:36 PM, accessdeniedno wrote:
> Is there a way for opensuse 11.2 to list out my pc’s mac address?
Your pc does not have a MAC address - only the network interface cards (NICs).
Use /sbin/ifconfig. It will be different for wireless than for wired, and will
not show up for wireless unless you are connected.
One of several ways:
/sbin/ifocnfig |grep HW
For just eth0:
/sbin/ifconfig |grep HW
And how do i change the mac address of my laptop’s wireless adapter? I want to see if the mac address filter on my wireless router works…
On 2010-07-27, accessdeniedno <> wrote:
> Is there a way for opensuse 11.2 to list out my pc’s mac address?
Look for HWaddr in the output of:
When in doubt, use brute force.
– Ken Thompson
In general
ifconfig [interface name] hw ether [new MAC address]
From a terminal, become root with ‘su -’ command. Enter root password when prompted. Then you could do something like:
#ifconfig eth0 down
# ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:80:48:BA:d1:30
# ifconfig eth0 up
You must disable Network Manager first (if using).