How do I display the help for kdevelop?

I recently started learning C++ and I’m using Kdevelop as my IDE. One problem that I’m having is that when I try to open up the “Help” from kdevelop, I get the following message:

Could not launch the kde help center.

KDEInit could not launch 'susehelp'.
Could not find susehelp executable

If I try to access the help for kdevelop by going to the kde help center, and selecting Application Manuals and then browse to Kdevelop, I get the following in a popup window:

The file or folder help:/kdevelop/index.html does not exist.

I know that the help files are on my system as I can find them in “/opt/kde3/share/doc/HTML/en/kdevelop”.

Any ideas how to fix this problem?

openSUSE 11.1 ?

Probably a bug (still pending).
See Bug 436942 - [khelpcenter] GNOME cheese’s help missing (KDE)
and Bug 492305 - No help for Gnucash either in Gnome’s Yelp or in the KDE Help Center (Gnome).

Yes, I’m running 11.1 with KDE4.2.

I recently started learning C++ and I’m using Kdevelop as my IDE. One problem that I’m having is that when I try to open up the “Help” from kdevelop, I get the following message:

Could not launch the kde help center.

KDEInit could not launch 'susehelp'.
Could not find susehelp executable

Just install susehelp.

zypper install susehelp

This problem is fixed in openSUSE 11.2. So if all else fails, upgrade. :wink:

No it’s not. Exactly the same happens in 11.2.

Edit: Solved by downloading susehelp. Thought my updating from RC2 to Release was complete but evidently not…

I am using 11.2 64 bit on Quadduo CPU.

I just installed KDevelop after being away from programming for a number of years.

I tried to use the KDevelop Handbook and also get the same eoor of:
The file or folder help:/kdevelop/index.html does not exist.

How does one install the Handbook on 11.2? Other applications manuals seems to be available in Susehelp.

Forced downloading does not solve the problem of missing handbook.