Hi everyone:
I’m using openSUSE 11.3 x86_64 and just installed latest Chromium from repository, which version is 9.0.582.0-2.2.
Then I saw a post: here, saying It is possible to play mp3, h264 and watch pdf in Chromium. So, I followed the instructions there:
I copied libpdf.so extracted from Latest development version of Google Chrome, some “unstable_current.rpm” to /usr/lib64/chromium, and got it worked. I can preview pdf in my chromium.
Since openSUSE do not have a ppa repository, so I just surfed its ppa here and found a chromium-codecs-ffmpeg.tar.gz. I found it is just a copy of /trunk/deps/third_party/ffmpeg, so I just compiled a copy of patched-ffmpeg-mt from that trunk, with chrome config and ogg/mp3/h264 enabled.
I cp -r my version of libavcodec.so.52/libavformat.so.52/libavutil.so.50 to /usr/lib64/chromium to replace the ones formally linked to /usr/lib64, the ones distributed with ffmpeg from pacman, version 0.6.25702svn-1.pm.3.3. Then I copied libffmpegsumo.so from laested google chrome unstable build.
The sad thing is: THEY DO NOT EVEN WORK. I can’t preview any multimedia files in my chromium. no matter shipped with a html5 format of HTML file or just browse the media file directly. You can see the html5 player, but can’t play the file. the length of the file is always 0:00.
At first I thought it’s my fault. the compiled-by-myself version of ffmpeg-mt doesn’t work. so I recycled the packman version link back, as you know, packman version of ffmpeg supports these restricted codecs, but It doesn’t work either. What’s worse, I can’t even play open-source codecs using both my version and packman version.
so the conclusion seems to be: Chromium that openSUSE contrib shipped can not play media files. IT’S STRANGE.
anyone could offer me some help to help me get out of these troubles?
Thanks in advance.