How can we get ja forum?

Hi everyone.

Japanese users don’t have any local forums. How can we get Japanese forum in “Language Specific Forum” section??

(Of course, it is not hard to install a forum system on a server. Even so, it is the best solution to make forum into offical one. I think :slight_smile: )

I was expecting you to be Jamaican, until I saw your user name. An ting, me am tinking. :wink:

I suspect what you would need is a Japanese speaker in good standing within the community (or at Novell), who can moderate / act as local administrator.

Welcome to the forum, anyway!

You need to contact Kim Groneman (kgroneman) who is the Technical Forums Officer at Novell.

He will send you the Guidelines for Localized Forums and you will be able to discuss with him the details of new Japonese forums.

Welcome in the openSUSE Forums!

はい、日本語のフォルムは大変便利でしょうね :good:
I would appreciate Japanese forums as well.

On Sat, 23 Jan 2010 15:36:02 +0000, HiroKws wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> Japanese users don’t have any local forums. How can we get Japanese
> forum in “Language Specific Forum” section??
> (Of course, it is not hard to install a forum system on a server. Even
> so, it is the best solution to make forum into offical one. I think :slight_smile:
> )

As Spyhawk indicated, contact kgroneman - he can help you get started.
Spyhawk went through the process for the French forums (in case you were
unaware). :slight_smile:


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Moderator

Thx everyone! :slight_smile:

I have posted about this post into ja mailing list.
We’ll try.

ML HiroKws (‘ML’ is not Mailing List…, ‘Much Love’ lol!)

On Mon, 25 Jan 2010 22:36:01 +0000, HiroKws wrote:

> I have posted about this post into ja mailing list. We’ll try.

Sounds good - looking forward to it. :slight_smile:


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Moderator


I had took a communicate with kgroneman. Then I knew one more user needed as contact/moderator at least.

So I posted that someone want to join as a ja forum staff into ja ML. (Maybe this is the hardest block to get progress about ja forum. Normaly any users don’t want to be this kind of position, but especially it is the fact for Japanese users…)

On Wed, 27 Jan 2010 11:46:02 +0000, HiroKws wrote:

> Hi!
> I had took a communicate with kgroneman. Then I knew one more user
> needed as contact/moderator at least.
> So I posted that someone want to join as a ja forum staff into ja ML.
> (Maybe this is the hardest block to get progress about ja forum. Normaly
> any users don’t want to be this kind of position, but especially it is
> the fact for Japanese users…)

Understandable - but necessary here so we don’t end up with localized
forums that end up with no maintainer. I’ve seen that happen in other
communities, and it becomes a very difficult situation to deal with when
there’s no ownership.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Moderator

I could help out as moderator for the Japanese forum here, if that helps you.

Wow Arigatou(thx) :slight_smile:

It is good for me also. You are better English speaker than me.(I’m not good English speaker. So when I have a hardness to communicate in English, please help me.)

Now we can get progress. But just a wait for a fer days. I already have posted about voluntee as contact/moderator into ML. I will report about you, and ask ‘more’ people want to be our colleague, if not so hope for)

Anyway you are a member of our moderation team. Welcom :wink:

どういたしまして :slight_smile:

That should be “difficulty”:

どうぞよろしく :slight_smile:

thx Ieyasu!


Thank you for your joining!>Tokugawa-Ieyasu
My name is Kikyo Kakitsubata.
My English writing is not so good,but feel happy starting Japanese forum.
Glad to meet you!

はじめまして :slight_smile:
オープンスセのフォルムへようこそ、杜若さん。ここには女を見えることができるはよろしい ^д^/

Any news on this yet?

Now waiting to get suggestions from openSUSE forum staffs.

Both incoming and outgoing proposals should have approval of the majority of the staff that wish to express an opinion on the proposal before any action is taken. The period for comment shall be 7 days, no comments received will be interpreted as neutral.
Of course, I added your name as one moderator of three(with me and ciel1981). :wink:

I see… then we should get an answer very soon :slight_smile:

Wow! Now over 1400 views!

On web, Japanese people said cynical opinion for ja forum like this: “not so many openSUSE users in Japan, so it will soon close…”, “If many people visit, ja forum will get tangled up like other linux forums…”

But they seem to be interested in ja forum. lol!

Hi! welcome…maybe coming soon.:wink:

Congratulations! :shake: