How can i properly confing DNS for mail server?

Good morning to everyone!!!

I want to configure corectly my dns server for exchange mails to other domains, i have finish my installation on opensuse 11.2 and zimbra server.

I know the situations are 2

1st i configure the MX and A records on my server and the
2nd isp provider or some else server have the 2records

wich of the following is the correctly?

can anyone help me?

many thanks

Install the yast module and start from there.

zypper in yast2-dns-server

It will pull in the required “bind” package.

This link will help you (even though it talks about old version):
DNS server with SUSE Linux 10.0 - openSUSE

For sending mail to other domains, your mail server justs has to be able to query dns to lookup mx records, so setting some proper dns server (either your own or your ISP’s) in /etc/resolv.conf should do.

If you want e-mail to be delivered on your mail server, you should let the world know it’s address by adding a proper mx record in a public dns server.

Typically you’ll want both things to happen.

Thanks guys.

  1. I have allready install bind with all deps.

  2. on my /etc/resolv.conf - i was put the DNS server with this command - name server because without this i cant resolve domains into the internet.

So in this site : Installing Zimbra 5.0.21 on openSUSE 11.2 32 bit – Part 2 | Spirit of Change

shows how to install dns server (maybe only for local use not public dns servers) with MX and A record
this is only for internal use?

If i will use ISPs dns -> and (in my case) mx record will provided by ISP.

then i will put forwarders dns server of provider and then in tab dns -> dns of my provider? and MX record the name of the isp server who have my mx record?

in this example dns server setup shows the records resolv to the one prived ip -

sorry for my bad English and thanks again.

This howto lets you

  • use your isp’s dsn as forwarders, this means that your dns server will query the isp for all domains it doesn’t have zone records for. If you can ping to some site on the internet (eg. NOVELL: Worldwide) this probably works fine.

  • create zone files for your own domain. although Yast is way easier than editing these files by hand, this can still be tricky (it is still easy to forget details like adding a trailing dot or adding a NS record). you will at least have to do add a NS record for your dns server, an A record for the your mail server and a MX record to point to the a record mentioned earlier.

use the following command to test your dns setup, there should be a correct answer section for your question:
dig mx

check your config by using:

Thanks for your replay.

So only forwarders have Public ip the dns server of my provider and 1 mx record with my domain with prived ip of my server and 1 A record with prived ip too.
And i will talking with my provider to make for me 1 record on his public dns server with my public ip address like this MX =

Is it ok?

I was found this :

Configure MX Records for Incoming SMTP E-Mail Traffic

Perfect Tutorial!!!

Very nice job