I like to work with drag & drop very much, because I find that very practical.
Further I like to quickly start my favourite apps by just clicking their icons on the desktop.
Under openSUSE 12.1 (as well KDE4) this wasn’t involved with any problems:
go to Kickoff popup menu (click on chameleon in the lower left corner of the screen)
enter search for e.g. KWrite
right-click on the icon of KWrite that than appears a bit below
in the then appearing context menu click ‘add to desktop’
Almost finished.
A KWrite icon appears on the desktop, and under openSUSE 12.1 this one
can be moved around on the desktop and placed (almost) wherever I like it.
Now to get e.g. a KWrite icon as such on the desktop of KDE4 under openSUSE 12.3
still works the same way using the Kickoff menu and right-clicking.
But here (KDE4 of 12.3) the location of this icon on the desktop then is locked and I can’t move it around in any way.
This isn’t helpful.
How can I change this behaviour ?
I urgently seek a way to unlock / enable moving icons on the desktop running KDE4 of 12.3 !
You were right. But since I’m not too familiar with KDE4 I didn’t even know before what these terms mean.
I right-clicked on ‘Desktop’ in the upper right corner of the screen.
Nothing appeared to be locked.
Before, I was reluctant to try that, because I understood ‘Default Desktop Settings’ as an entry which would
trigger the reset of everything to default values !
actually, it’s probably not even necessary to unlock desktop widgets to change the settings.
And it is in fact a good idea to keep desktop widgets locked for day to day use so you don’t accidentally delete /change some setting in your taskbar while working.