how can I edit bottom panels?


However, this seems very basic, but I was not able to do what I am asking. How could it be possible to make the items (the items which can be added by just clicking on any application and dragging it to the bottom panel, e.g., the dictionary ‘Artha’, from the Menu/Kickoff Application Launcher at the left side) visible on the right side of the bottom panel just before ‘Notifications and jobs’ symbol? Means even when I unlock the widgets and try to shift that (after clicking on Panel Tool Box, at the extreme right side), it doesn’t happen.

Here is the image for clarification:-

Bottom Panel Image


Can you not just drag them along to were you want?

Whenever I want to add a shortcut I just right-click the programme from the kmenu and select the option to ‘add to the panel’. It usually puts the short-cut on the taskbar next to the notification area (on the right side) - which I think is what you want to do.

Right click on a empty section and select Panel Options / Panel Settings. You can then drag the icons to where you want then. The Panel includes several distinct sections which include the Virtual Desktop,** Task Manager**, System Tray, the Clock and the Panel Tool Box. Anywhere else in between, you can place an icons or icons or a Widget or Widgets. In the case of the “i” for **Notifications, **this is part of the System Tray and you can place an icon before it or after (all of) it, but not inside it such as just after the “i” as you request. Be careful when moving things around or closing things as you can mess up the basic Panel order, which is easy to fix, but not when you don’t understand the basic components that make up this Panel.

Thank You,

I did this what you said but the problem is that those three items come after ‘i’ (notifications) alongwith the network icon, means when I drag the required items, they move but while crossing the ‘i’ (notifications’ icon), they cross even the volume icon. Which means the ‘i’ (notifications), ‘scissors’ icon (Clipboard Contents) and the ‘volume’ icon – these three move simultaneously. Means only moving ‘i’ (notifications) is not happening (which is required) where just after this and before the ‘volume’ icon, I wanted to have those three items.

If you can further let me know this or what I do…:\


What you see is correct. Again, that is because the system tray includes Notifications, Volume, Clipboard and the Notifier among others. Right click near the Volume control and select System Tray Settings where you will see the options for this and the fact that is is all one unit where you can not place an icon in to it but only before or after it.

Thank You,

Okay, but in my case even the items are getting added to only the left side of the bottom task bar and not even to the right side just before ‘i’ (notifications’ symbol). I know this is possible, but not happening here…!


It usually or always put to that location (on the right side) since in my case this is left side. And you made it appear at the right side (by some settings or otherwise) or simply it is default in your case (probably, which I guess)? Yes, that only I wanted to have. I am using 11.4 KDE openSUSE.


OK, so you manage to add an item. Now, when having done so, do this:

  • Unlock widgets
  • Panel options
  • Panel settings
  • You’ll see a bar above the panel, where you can manage height, width and some other things
  • click on the item to move it to your place of destination, click again.

Yeah I added items from the Kickoff Application Launcher (by dragging the required items {one at a time} to the bottom panel directly) and automatically they got added to the left side. This is one thing. Secondly, I again tried exactly like you told (thanks for the explanation again) but unfortunately (or otherwise), I didn’t get this little success, yes it could be my fault too, but frankly I am not able to do this, since while hovering the items, all the three items move together (the items which I want to shift) and by default they get added to left side. However, they come to the right side (the extreme right) only when I see the current right side items at their position (means Network Icon, Volume Symbol, Notifications ‘i’, etc… come to left). But I would try again.


Hi Happy,

I find the default panel and the grouping panel sometimes uncooperative in terms of customization.
Try adding an empty panel and start loading your own widgets, if it works replace the original panel with your
costumed made panel.
If you haven’t noticed you can add a separator to separate your panel widgets in separate groups.


I try this, seems new and good. Yeah, sometimes things mess up, and I was really not able to do this with the current bottom panel.


No problem
Please post back if it worked for you
Happy customizing! :slight_smile:

Yeah, sure but currently I am going for the office, but as if now I have not obtained the required success :.…, however, in time to come, I would be trying back…In fact, I am new to Linux and the main reason is that I get extremely less time to work in/on it.


:slight_smile: Thanks.