How add(or Enable) BFS in the kernel opensuse12.1 ?
How add(or Enable) BFS in the kernel opensuse12.1 ?
On 07/05/2012 02:06 PM, skoltogyan wrote:
> How add(or Enable) BFS in the kernel opensuse12.1 ?
are you wanting to replace the Completely Fair Scheduler?
you might start here:
with background and hints from here:
where there is an FAQ and more…
There is also something called Boot File System (BFS) for which I found this link: Linux Kernel Driver DataBase: CONFIG_BFS_FS: BFS file system support (EXPERIMENTAL)
I did find a link in the kernel to enable or use the BFS File System if that is to what you refer.
CONFIG_BFS_FS=m is the default and can be y=yes, n=no, m=module and if you make it n, then on a later check you will find it says: # CONFIG_BFS_FS is not set. When set to an m for module and a BFS file system is found, it would be loaded. I suppose you would set it to y for yes, if you did not have a BFS and wanted to create one.
Here is another link on how it works: The BFS filesystem structure
You can use my bash script SAKC to compile your own kernel and set this value to y for yes if you need to. S.A.K.C. - SUSE Automated Kernel Compiler - Version 2.75 - Blogs - openSUSE Forums
Thank You,