I was using an “.exe” program inside Wine.
Until recently it was working very well, but now when trying to run this program, it does not work anymore. The following error message is displayed
"A debugger has been found running in your system please unload it from memory and restart your program "
I uninstalled the “.exe” program, deleted the “.wine” directory and reinstalled the wine, but the problem continues.
I tried to run from a different user. The problem continues.
For lack of options, I did a new installation of OpenSuse and maintaining the folder /home, without the “wine” and downloaded a new copy of the program, but the error continues.
I have exactly the same problem! The problem started on Friday 27th when the .exe crashed and I was unable to restart it, giving the same error message.
Also[FONT=arial] Leap 42.1 64 bit!
I tried the same standard routine: uninstalling the .exe, removing .wine, clear cache of wine, reboot, reinstall wine, reinstall .exe, but no solution!
Tried it a second time, installing wine 1.8 as I noticed the 2.0 version came out last week, but that didn’t fix the problem.
I googled, and found the explanation that the .exe “thinks” that wine is a debugger. No idea if that is a correct analysis or how to solve it.
sounds like some sort of windows software protection
some devs don’t like debuggers sniffing out their code, this might be a wine issue but you should say what application is causing this, is it some older game or maybe ms office as wine works fine for me with the few windows apps I run
This program was running well for over a year, and they continue to run on other machines.
I believe the problem should be written inside the “home” directory because I did a new installation of OpenSUSE, formatting the “/” directory and keeping the “home” directory intact. After all this work and to my surprise the problem continues.
This program has a debugger inside it, and the problem started exactly when I was using this debugger
I was also running Metatrader 5, but downloaded it directly from MetaQuotes, not from the ActivTrades website —> MetaTrader 5 Multi-Asset Trading Platform
However, I was working with an ActivTrades demo-account.
I never used the debugger that comes with MetaTrader, but when the application crashed, I was running the MetaTrader optimisation tool, together with MetaEditor.
Both (terminal64.exe and metaeditor64.exe) give the same error when trying to start the program.
Different from what is described in your link, I only needed to create the .wine32 directory and install the 32-bit MetaTrader 5 in that directory (untill now I had it installed in the normal 64-bit .wine directory).
With LEAP42.1, no need for adding winehq repository, wine-builds or winehq-staging!!!
create new 32-bit only wine-prefix:
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine32" WINEARCH=win32 wine wineboot