Hot key to go to other desktop


Do you know if there some hot-hey to switch desktops ?




If you’re using KDE 4 then the hot keys can be set at

Configure Desktop (Personal Settings)>Keyboard and Mouse>Global Keyboard Shortcuts

Then next to KDE Component use the drop down menu to select Kwin

By default Desktop 1 is ctrl+f1, Desktop 2 is ctrl+f2, and so on.

If you’re not using KDE4 then please tell us which version of openSUSE you’re using and the Desktop Environment. If you’re using KDE specify if you’re using Kwin or Compiz-fusion.

Take Care,


Thanks… Ctrl+F1, Ctrl+F2, and o on works!!

Thanks a lot!

Have fun

agunet rotfl!

agunet74 wrote:

> Hi,
> Do you know if there some hot-hey to switch desktops ?
> thanks
> agunet74

The window key and tab work between desktops like alt+tab work for between
programs in kde 3.5 for me.
