So… on other Linux variants I’m used to seeing a ~/.vim/ directory that usually comes somewhat preconfigured as part of the package setup - at least the basic folder structure, for plugins, color schemes, etc. On openSuSE 12.3 I’m seeing none of that. Before I go ahead and create my own directories… is there a reason i.e. should I be looking somewhere else to put things like plugins and color scheme files, etc. on SuSE?
Like caf4926, I think it is not a good idea to create any file/directory where the name starts with a . (dot) yourself in your home directory. Leave that to the applications. The whole reason there are files with and without that starting . is to differ between files the users is responsible for and files that are application specific. And most tools try to hide those files for the user by default with the idea to prevent tinkering by the uninitiated (security by hiding is of course not realy good security, but at least it is sometyhiing and a signal that you may damage your own interests).
PS, I hope you mean openSUSE while writing SuSE, because these are the openSUSE forums and not the SUSE Linux forums (and your spelling is wrong for both posibiilities).
after a testrun of VIM I have found the file /home/user/.viminfo. It refers the directory
where the setting you mentioned seem possible (i.e. there’s subfolders as “plugin”, “colors” etc.).
However, AFAIK, changing settings there will affect all users on your computer - just in case there are any others that may care…
PS: No, I am actually not really using vim.
Edit: OK, I see you have the same concern, I was, again, just a little late.
Of course one should not set personal settings in /usr/share/whatever. One should even be carefull to change system wide things there because they could become overwritten with the standard version at an update of the package.
I am a vi users. You may classify that as a non vim user when you like so.
Example for [Unix]( (assuming you didn't have a [plugin]( directory yet):
** mkdir ~/.vim
** ** mkdir ~/.vim/plugin
**** cp /usr/local/share/vim/vim60/macros/justify.vim ~/.vim/plugin**
That's all! Now you can use the commands defined in this [plugin]( to justify text.
On 2013-05-12, memilanuk <> wrote:
> So… on other Linux variants I’m used to seeing a ~/.vim/ directory
> that usually comes somewhat preconfigured as part of the package setup -
> at least the basic folder structure, for plugins, color schemes, etc.
> On openSuSE 12.3 I’m seeing none of that. Before I go ahead and create
> my own directories… is there a reason i.e. should I be looking
> somewhere else to put things like plugins and color scheme files, etc.
> on SuSE?
As a regular vim user, I can say that your ~/.vim/ can be deleted if you don’t use vim. There are some applications
(such as crontab) that will default to vim as a text editor but vim will still work happily if there’s no such
If you do use vim, then you clearly have good taste. BUT if you want install vim plugins, the safest way to do that in
openSUSE is via zypper or yast; which plugins did you have in mind? If you wish to use a custom colour scheme or
something outside openSUSE’s repo then yes, then go ahead and customise ~/.vim/.
I’m just beginning to explore vim options on openSUSE.
Before adding to this thread, any misunderstandings about the above can be addressed by first replacing/installing “enhanced vim” which adds tremendous new functionality to vim, including support for various coding languages and plugins in general. Note that if you don’t install the enhanced version of vim, I don’t know that the User specific settings will work (they certainly aren’t created automatically)
zypper in vim-enhanced
After installing enhanced vim,
If you re-run the version switch, it’ll explain the system vimrc file and the new locations for user-specific vimrc configuration
You don’t need plugins unless you have a specific application of Vim in mind. For example I have more functionality
than I need with the following:
sh-4.2$ zypper in vim-enhanced gvim vim-plugin-latex vim-python
The key question is what do you want to do? If you want to customise Vim to perform customised actions depending on the
file-type, then you have to modify your ~/.vimrc. This is not a trivial task and I believe you can tell a LOT about
the personality of a Vim user by studying their ~/.vimrc file. Plugin documentation for well known packages (e.g.
Vim-LaTeX) is easily found online, but if you have to be more specific if there’s something you have particularly in
mind. If you don’t then, I suggest you forego the plugins until you find a particular use for one.
library support for specific coding languages, which can mean that statement auto-completion is possible
syntax highlighting specific to a number of coding languages including html(of course) javascript, python
enhanced navigation <between> documents, not just within a single document.
surround plugin which seems to support automatically creating closing tags (or other depending on the language)
snippets support
In other words, the suggested promise is a really powerful text editor with many of the most desirable features in a full blown IDE, but much faster and light weight.
On 2013-09-19, tsu2 <> wrote:
> In other words, the suggested promise is a really powerful text editor
> with many of the most desirable features in a full blown IDE, but much
> faster and light weight.
If you use KDE, try this for a true IDE experience.
Open `konsole’ and navigate to your code file.
Press Ctrl-Shift-T to open a new konsole tab.
Press Ctrl-Shift-0 to stack tabs vertically.
Press Ctrl-Shift-{ three times to reduce to height of the lower window.
Press Shift-Tab to change focus to the upper console.
Open your code file using `vim filename.ext’.
Press Shift-Tab to access your console within the same path to execute.
Once you’ve configured KDE to include Ctrl-Alt-t to open `konsole’, you’re path to Nirvana is nearly complete.