/home says partion full --its not even close

Hello I don’t think this issue is distro-related so:

I just installed Debian 12.
I copied files from old /home on Tumbleweed (Documents, Downloads, Pictures).

Tumbleweed du indicates that /home is using 18gb.

After rebooting into Debian – (the /home partition is 64GB) I get a message saying the home part is at 100% use!/?

Any ideas regarding this inaccurate foolishness?

The default filesystem on openSUSE installations is BTRFS. The traditional, ordinary du command doesn’t support BTRFS properly, as don’t several other traditional filesystem commands. Instead, one needs to preface BTRFS’s own commands according to its man page.

Using “which” filesystem type?

Should also state what filesystem type is used for /home on Debian.

And why are you asking it on openSUSE forum?

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