So, holding meta (windows) key for few seconds disables tap to click action on touchpad. Is there any way to disable that? I can’t seem to find anything in shortcuts options.
Also scrolling gets disabled.
This reads like the libinput feature to disable the touchpad while typing.
Check ‘xinput list-props <your touchpad device>’ for the ‘libinput Disable While Typing Enabled’ property.
For example, I can disable this on my Toshiba laptop (SynPS/2 Synaptics Touchpad, device 11) using
xinput set-prop 11 "libinput Disable While Typing Enabled" 0
It is possible to create a custom Xorg config file and disable this permanently if required.
For more info
man libinput
idk how but it fixed itself also volume up and down keys are now working.
thanks for help anyways