higher resolution means less display quality?

hello everybody,

this post started after i have googled around about 2h without solving my problem:

the higher the resolution is i set to my opensuse, the greater the symbols and text-sizes of my windows will be (pictures follow).

i installed openSuse in my vmware Workstation tryed differnt screen-sizes. for example here is a perfect display quality with a res of 1024x768:

but if i change the res to 2560x1600 i get really ugly results

is there a setting to avoid the resizing of windows like firefox or dolphin /fixing the dpi?

thnx DS

Hello DrSarez and welcome to the community!:slight_smile:

Could you tell us which version of openSUSE you have? (I think 11.2 seeing the artwork)
And which version of KDE?
And do you have desktop effects enabled?

It’s a very strange problem.
Have you tried to log-out and log-in again after you changed the resolution?
You can also make a new user and see if you get the same problem.

Best of luck!:wink:

Hello Edward, thnx

  • i downloaded openSUSE 11.2 (x86_64) 5h ago
  • it uses KDE 4.3.5 “release 0”
  • desktop-effects are DISabled

A re-login hasn’t any effects. The higher the resolution i set, the higher the system dynamically scales the gui-widgets (buttons, bars, text-labels, symbols,…). this with the effect that symbols become ‘overscaled’ (you can see the pixls) and text-labels will be drawn ower adjacent labels.

last but not least i created a new testuser (yast2/ default settings), changed the login to this account and recieved the same behavior. so it seemes to depend on system-settings (/hardware).

I have to mention that i could upload the compressed virtual machine. I just installed the system, updated it and installed vmware-tools.

If i delete some software the vm could be under 1GiB - just if somebody want’s to make a real view of the situation. (The vm could be replayd with the free vmware-player).

Hello DrSarez,

I don’t think that is needed because it could be a hardware problem.
Do you have drivers installed for your graphics card?

And does this happen to all applications?

Best of luck!:wink:

sysinfo:/ calls me about the graphiccard:

  • distributor: vmware, inc.
  • model: vmware0405
  • driver: vmware

i have made a short video with following steps:

  • firefox and dolphin @1024x768 - everythings ok
  • changing res to 1600x1200 - everything’s still ok
  • re-opening ff and dolphin @1600x1200 - ugly result
  • changing res back to 1024x768 - ugly result
  • re-opening ff and dolphin - everything is fine

LINK to the Video

Video isn’t in best quality and codec and seemes to hang sometimes - but content should be clear. It shows the really strange behavior :-/ :slight_smile:

just a ‘funny’ addition. opensuse seemes to scale symbols (to a max possible minimum) and text-labels depending to the resolution. if i change the size of the vm to a very small, you will get the following ‘minimalistic’ result:


just the desktop is in normal size - textlabels of windows are… scaled

Hello DrSarez,

I say the video, it’s a very strange.
I’ve never seen something like that.

Maybe it’s a font problem because the font is getting scaled.
Try change the font to a different one.

Good luck!:wink:

DrSarez wrote:
> i installed openSuse in my vmware Workstation tryed differnt
> screen-sizes. for example here is a perfect display quality with a res
> of 1024x768:
> [image: http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/3825/suse1024.jpg]
> but if i change the res to 2560x1600 i get really ugly results
> [image: http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/9984/linux2560.jpg]

you say you are changing “resolution” but in fact you are telling your
software to pump out pixels for a different screen size!

what is your actual screen size? set it for THAT…and, then if you
want to play with screen resolution, wiggle the dots per inch
(DPI)…the more DPI the more smooth your ‘resolution’…

however, since you say “here is a perfect display quality with a res
of 1024x768” if you use my first rule (If it is not broke do NOT fix
it) you will leave it ‘perfect’ and find something which is broken to fix.

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
CAVEAT: http://is.gd/bpoMD
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

Nice! The solution shouldn’t be far away!

I found an article from a guy with the same problem on slackware with xfce. he described the same thing i want to reach: a constant resolution of ‘xx’ dpi regardless of the resolution.

he found also a solution for xfce i can not replicate, because i did not find a similar settingsfile for the dpi-setting. someone could map it to openSuse with KDE?

here’s the Link to the thread

@DenverD: you pointed my problem. i have a physical 30’’-screen with a res of 2560x1600 - but in the yast2/hardware-information is written under ‘monitor->display’ the ‘vmware-emulated display’ with a res of 1024x768. even if i could change the virtual display i’ll get bad results with lower resolutions. so i have to stop the dynamical dpi.

e.g. under 1024x768 the command ‘xdpyinfo | grep “resolution”’ delivers me the result ‘123x123 dots per inch’. if i switch to 2560x1600 i’ll get ‘307x256 dots per inch’

so i am new in linux and just worked on a debian terminal till now. no knowledge of linux-gui

Coclusion: is there a similar solution for openSuse/KDE to fix the dpi? (i hope i tell no technical impossible things)

Here is the problem DPI is how many dots you get to the inch standard is about 96. So things are scaled so a font is a constant number of inches high and wide (actually points but points are tied to inches). but you resolution is in dots across the screen. The OS knows how big the screen is in inches but now it thinks the screen is bigger since you raised the dots per inch and scales the font to use more dots but your screen resolution is the same thus the font looks bigger. So what you are doing is telling the OS to use more dots for each letter but you have not raised the resolution so each letter uses more of the real estate. This is the same for any OS.


1st: thanks to all members who tried to find a solution

2nd: Summary

  • openSuse (other distributions?) try to scale text-labels (and unfortunately in some apps also icons) depending on the screen resolution.
  • on the same monitor your gui is with 800x600 same sized like in 8000x6000 :wink: but has just another granularity
  • this is affected by dynamically changing the dpi for text (@gogalthorp: normally your’e right, but in this case a font isn’t a constant number of inches ^^)
  • this behavior is a great disadvantage if you rise the resolution with the size of your screen
  • and that’s especially the case if you running your suse in a virtual-machine-window: if you enlarge the window (i have a 30’’-screen with 2560x1600) from a window of 1024x768 to fullscreen the gui-elements are hughe anough for a touchscreen for my grandmother
  • i also think the ‘dpi-scaling’ depends on the hardware-detected max-screen-resolution (like my 1024-vmware-screen). that’s why the elements get ‘oversized’.


…is quite simple. (so simple that i am very angry with me, taking more than 6 hours to find it)

You can fix the DPI-amount in the system-settings. so the text-labels (and funnily enough also some icons) are are scaled in granularity (dots) and not in inches

(Don’t know the correct english-settings path [maybe sth like ‘personal system settings > look and feel > fonts > force dpi for fonts’ with the combobox options [deactivate | 90 | 120} ] so here’s a screenshot )




DrSarez wrote:
> Coclusion: is there a similar solution for openSuse/KDE to fix the
> dpi? (i hope i tell no technical impossible things)

using the site specifier to ensure all hits are openSUSE specific, i
find several previous threads here on setting DPI…i forget where it
is set, but i think somewhere in YaST, have a look:


DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
CAVEAT: http://is.gd/bpoMD
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio