High disk usage by Plasma-shell


I have just installed Tumbleweed,
I logged in, but after about 15 mins plasma-shell took 100% of I/O write.
I restart it over and over, but as soon as i log in to Plasma 5, my H.D.D usage reaches 100% and i can’t do any other thing (unless i kill plasma-shell from task manager).

Os: openSUSE-Tumbleweed-64bit-(Snapshot20151012)
D/E: Plasma 5

Any resolution?

plasmashell shouldn’t do that.
Maybe some plasmoid you use?

There were some problems a while ago with the KDE cache handling though, that could cause it to be recreated all the time. This could look like its plasmashell (but also any other application) dragging down the system.
Is your system fully up to date?
Try to remove the ~/.cache folder.

And in any case: does this also happen with a fresh user account?

Thanks Wolfi323,
Removing the ~/.cache folder solved the issue!
actually, i did create a fresh user account, but that didn’t solve the issue.
Now none of the account has this issue (though i just removed cache folder from one of them!)

Thanks again Wolfi, this issue was driving me crazy, as i hate frozen desktop.

Be definition a new user will have a different ~/.cache. Modification in one persons home will not change anything in another persons home

Right. That puzzles me too.
Maybe coincidence?

Anyway, glad to hear that it helped… :slight_smile:

Hi gogalthorp and Wolfi323 and thanks for your replies

Yes i know different users have different cache folder, I dunno how that happened :\

Thanks again for your resolution :wink:
That was very sweet :slight_smile: