Howto authenticated in cups…
I need to configure my server cups with authenticated, all client in the network need to enter password and user…
Howto do that…
Thanks an advanced.
Eduardo Escobar
PD: Exist an app for that.
Howto authenticated in cups…
I need to configure my server cups with authenticated, all client in the network need to enter password and user…
Howto do that…
Thanks an advanced.
Eduardo Escobar
PD: Exist an app for that.
Open http://localhost:631/ and you can configure to your hearts content - but I cannot give you explicit information for what you want to do. There is an Online Help tab.
Not sure entirely about what you’re trying to ask, but the administrator groups are defined in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf by the ‘SystemGroup’ entry. By default it is configured as follows
SystemGroup sys root
So, as long as the user accounts are members of the ‘sys’ group, they can act as CUPS administrators, authenticating with their usernames and passwords. (Other groups can be added if preferred or required as well.)
I have 4 server cups in 4 different machine with openSUSE 12.3, all HP LaserJet 1020 and 1022, one for administraction, one for sales, one for HHRR…
All user can print in any servers, but in 1 server i could try to configure only 2 users to print in this. The choice i try to configure cups its to authenticated only this 2 users to print in this server with plain text password and user.
Eduardo Escobar
One solution would be to add the allowed users to the /etc/cups/printers.conf of the server concerned as described here
This could be edited directly, or via the lpadmin command, or even via the CUPS web interface
For example, to allow user eduardoescobar to print
<Printer HL-2150N>
UUID urn:uuid:b98cf893-79a8-3bfd-5443-ea73a38edbeb
Info Office Laser
MakeModel Brother HL2150N for CUPS
DeviceURI socket://
State Idle
StateTime 1374028721
Type 8392708
Accepting Yes
Shared Yes
JobSheets none none
QuotaPeriod 0
PageLimit 0
KLimit 0
AllowUser eduardoescobar
apart the order AllowUser in printer.conf any other file to modify…, in the cups.conf with order is best for authenticathed…