Is this a new install?
Eg; the packages were not already installed?
If Yes, then you will have to wait until Packman sorts the mess out. I already emailed them on it.
Just go thru the list adding one, two or three at a time and apply. Keep doing it until you reach where you can’t do any more. That should give you a good start for now.
Is this a new install?
Eg; the packages were not already installed?
Yes, the packages were not already installed.
Just go thru the list adding one, two or three at a time and apply. Keep doing it until you reach where you can’t do any more. That should give you a good start for now.
OK, I assume you mean to install those (clicking V on their checkbox and clicking the “Accept” button)
Yes. Scroll the the Packman list and add those in the list of the guide. But some will no add because of being dependant on libxine1, so just add what you can and wait it out for the packages to be updated in the Packman repo.
You might be lucky. I found this Packman mirror:
which, for some reason has not been updated since 26 March…It contains the needed packages AFAICS. Add the URL as a new repo, and perform the instructions with that repo as the Packman repo. Disable the other Packman repo for now.
BTW: it’s not an “error box” actually, but informations about conflicts and suggestions to solve them. By default openSUSE does not do vendor-changes, which in most cases is the sane way. Yet sometimes it is necessary to leave the default-path, and that is when those messages occur.
Excuse me for digressing, but now when I try to install Writeshark via YaST, I find that my vendor is changed (it’s no longer Packman), as you can see in this image where I was asked to “Switch system packages”, which I already did when installed the media packages according to the guide.
Should I “Switch system packages” every time when I install a package?
Should the change be permanent?
But I’m curious - is it OK that my vendor changed? Is it OK that it is no longer Packman, although when I installed the multimedia packages, I set it to be my vendor?
I don’t quite get the question, so I don’t know if my answer to that is helping you: the package manager (YaST / zypper) is always using several sources for packages. You don’t set one vendor for all the installed packages, but for a certain group of packages.
As you can see in the image, Packman is no longer my default vendor.
By reading the multimedia installation guide, I made Packman to be my default vendor by clicking on the link “Switch system packages”.
But when I restarted my PC and opened YaST, then the link “Switch system packages” appeared again (which shouldn’t happen, I think)
But now I think it’s OK, by reading gropiuskalle’s answer (that YaST is using several vendors)