Help with sound

I have a Satelite M115. I cannot get my sound to work. I was told that to get it to work, I would need to turn acpi=off, but I’m the biggest noob Linux could possibly have. I do not know how to do anything.

try it manually at boot like this, if it works we make a permanent entry
don’t add all those shown here, just the acpi=off

once you type that in at boot, press enter and see how it is when you are in the desktop

You may also want to look at this
SDB:AudioTroubleshooting - openSUSE

what is this boot that you speak of?

nvm, i figured out what boot was, did what you said, and it worked. Thank you very much!

nvm, didnt actually work

What is a Satelite M115

Is your computer a laptop, a box
is this device a pci device you added - or onboard

From what I have read, sound should just work with the Toshiba Satellite M115. But you need to tell us more information if we are to diagnose what is wrong and help you.

What are you using for a sound test?

What openSUSE version are you using?

What desktop are you using?

Please ALSO provide also the information requested in the multimedia stickie from our forum: Welcome to multimedia sub-area - openSUSE Forums

… specifically:

… please post in this “multimedia” sub-forum, providing in your post the following information:

  • provide the URLs (of a summary webpage) that are created by running the diagnostic script noted here:
    SDB:AudioTroubleshooting - openSUSE - Script to run to obtain detailed information. On openSUSE-11.1 and newer that will ask you to run the script /usr/sbin/ and after the script finishes it will give you a URL to pass to the support personnel. Please post here the output URL. Just the URL. You may need to run that script twice (the first time with root permissions to update in the /usr/sbin directory, and the second time to get the URL).
  • in a terminal, or xterm, or konsole, type: rpm -qa ‘alsa#and post output here
  • in a terminal, or xterm, or konsole, type: rpm -qa ‘pulse#and post output here
  • in a terminal, or xterm, or konsole, type: rpm -q libasound2 #and post output here
  • in a terminal, or xterm, or konsole, type: uname -a #and post output here
  • for openSUSE-11.1 or earlier, in a terminal, or xterm, or konsole, type: cat /etc/modprobe.d/sound #and post output here
  • for openSUSE-11.2 or later, in a terminal, or xterm, or konsole, type: cat /etc/modprobe.d/50-sound.conf #and post output here

There is also guidance for new users here, in setting up their multimedia: Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide - openSUSE Forums

Do you know how to open a terminal, or konsole, or xterm to enter commands?