Help with installing WINE

I’m having trouble installing WINE for opensuse 11.1
I need some instructions on how to do it. I’m really lost, so please tell me how to do it from the beginning. Thanks.

Have you already installed it?
If not, got to Yast software management, search for wine and install it.

Once installed, any Win executable can be run using the following command (example: to execute myexe.exe):

wine myexe.exe

First time when you run it, it will create the default configuration and it will be under the directory .wine in your home directory. Under .wine, you will see drive_c representing your Windows C: driver.

You can customize the configuration by running:


On my case for the softwares that I run besides wine I need to install the microsoft fonts before trying any software installation. So … wine>fonts> and then your programs.
You can install wine using yast.

you can try to install wine-doors package. It includes simple “clicking” tool to install fonts, libraries, components, …

This is my first Linux install. Installed on a new machine with no MS Windows.
To run wine as mentioned above do I need to run if from the command line ?
If so where do I find the command line/prompt ?

If you are running KDE, press Alt+F2, type konsole and press Enter key.

use sabayon Linux everything works out of the box.

In openSUSE also works everything out of the box. :X