Help with getting information about the hibernate

Hello i’m new on linux and have the next problem, while i am installing, in the process i select to expand the swap partition, i have 6gb of ram and a HDD Seagate 500HD 52000RPM, now when i try to hibernate the system drop me a lot of error, so i asking how can i get that information for put in this forum for help, because i need use the hibernate function.

Asus K53E i5-2423M, not bluetooth edition.

6gb Ram, 500HD Gb > Swap create by the Opensuse Installer 6.01gb

IMHO a swap space of 6Gb should basically be enough for a system with 6Gb RAM.

But I think it would be better if you at least told what the error messages (or at least the first) say. Very difficult to help when nobody knows what goes wrong.

If you modified an exiting swap you may have changed the UUID and thus it may not be mounting

Hello i want to know where can i get the message errors that throw while try the system hibernate. and i dont modifiy the swap partition, is the default expandable by opensuse to allow extra functions.

Help!! with getting information about hibernate process to know and search the log for error…

As Henk has already mentioned, it would be useful to post the error messages you get when attempting to hibernate. Apart from the messages does the hibernation actually complete? If so, does the machine resume ok? Check the systemd journal for problems using the journalctl command.

To examine the log from a previous boot you can use…

sudo journalctl -b -1

Or examine a particular time window eg

sudo journalctl --since "2017-02-28 13:20" --until "2017-02-28 13:30"

Here’s a brief tutorial to help with using journalctl…

To hibernate via CLI, you can do

systemctl hibernate

This thread may also be of interest to you

Further to gogalthorp’s comment about possible UUID changes, check with

sudo /usr/sbin/blkid

and compare with swap paritition defined in grub

cat /proc/cmdline

Post the output here for others to review.