Help with a .jar file

I have a sony walkman mp3 player. Im trying to use a java program called jsymphonic that somebody created.

I have java version “1.6.0_12”

problem is double clicking the jar opens up in file roller

If i right click and execute jar it seems to open something. The screen flashes something really quick, then nothing.

i tried terminal
java -jar filename.jar

I get Unable to access jarfile

ubuntu users seems to get it to work
HOWTO: Transfer files to/from Sony Walkman MP3 player NW-E003F. - Ubuntu Forums

Make sure you type the filename correctly with uppercase where necessary:

java -jar JSymphonic_0.2b.jar

(I know nothing about this app and do not have a Sony player, I just cut and pasted the filename from that Ubuntu posting.)

i downloaded the latest version of jsymphonic(at least i think i did)
from Symphonic: Files

it is JSymphonic_v0.3.0a2.jar

so i did
java -jar JSymphonic_v0.3.0a2.jar
but nothing happens

if anyone can download the file JSymphonic_v0.3.0a2.jar and see if it works
im here thinking java should work the same regardless of OS. im going to try this on my vista machine to see what happens.

using Java 1.6.0 update 13
couldn’t get it to work either.

This is what happens when I try it:

ian@linux-0gou:~/Desktop/JSymphonic_0.3.0alpha2> java -jar JSymphonic_v0.3.0a2.jar
28-Mar-09 4:21:32 AM org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.SettingsHandler <init>
WARNING: File JSymphonic.xml does not exist!, Creating new default config file
28-Mar-09 4:21:32 AM org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.SettingsHandler writeXMLFile
INFO: Writing config file/home/ian/Desktop/JSymphonic_0.3.0alpha2/JSymphonic.xml...
28-Mar-09 4:21:32 AM org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.SettingsHandler writeXMLFile
INFO: Done writing file
28 Mar 2009 04:21:32 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.JSymphonicWindow:<init> : Initializing JSymphonic...
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
   at java.lang.Class.initializeClass(
   at java.lang.Class.initializeClass(
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
   at javax.swing.UIDefaults.getUI(
   at javax.swing.UIManager.getUI(
   at javax.swing.JTree.updateUI(
   at javax.swing.JTree.<init>(
   at javax.swing.JTree.<init>(
   at org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.local.LocalPanel.initComponents(
   at org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.local.LocalPanel.<init>(
   at org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.JSymphonicWindow.<init>(
   at org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.JSymphonic.main(
Caused by: java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: component java.awt.Label not showing
   at java.awt.Component.getLocationOnScreen(
   at java.awt.event.MouseEvent.<init>(
   at java.awt.event.MouseEvent.<init>(
   at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI.<clinit>(
   at java.lang.Class.initializeClass(
   ...11 more

hm that is strange

I just tried it on vista and the program loaded fine
Sent an email to the devolper. Hopefully i will get an answer

Thanks for testing it out. I thought maybe I did not install java correctly as have tried the latest version and a downgraded version.

From the error messages you are getting, it looks like you are actually running gcj, the GNU version of Java. Do:

/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --display java

If gcj is mentioned in there, you have to make it default to the Sun Java instead. This can also be done by update-alternatives, see the man page.

Or uninstall gcj.

I finally got the program to launch. Turns out my java was fine i was just initiating the launch from the terminal incorrectly.

I somehow got the terminal to change directory to the desktop
so terminal shows up like
so i put the file JSymphonic_v0.3.0a2.jar on my desktop

from there i did
java -jar JSymphonic_v0.3.0a2.jar

and i got

@linux-ux1g:~/Desktop> java -jar JSymphonic_v0.3.0a2.jar
Mar 28, 2009 12:07:17 PM org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.SettingsHandler startDocument
INFO: Reading file /home/edgar/Desktop/JSymphonic.xml...!
Mar 28, 2009 12:07:17 PM org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.SettingsHandler endDocument
INFO: Done reading file
28 Mar 2009 12:07:17 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.JSymphonicWindow:<init> : Initializing JSymphonic...
28 Mar 2009 12:07:18 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.device.DeviceManager:initOmgPath : Initializing OMG path
28 Mar 2009 12:07:18 [WARNING] org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.device.DeviceManager:initOmgPath : The device path /media/disk-1/omgaudio does not exist!
28 Mar 2009 12:07:18 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.device.DeviceManager:mountDevice : Mounting the device  Walkman
28 Mar 2009 12:07:18 [WARNING] org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.device.DeviceManager:mountDevice : The OMG path is not set! Please set the device path!
28 Mar 2009 12:07:18 [WARNING] org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.device.DevicePanel:reloadTree : Cannot find OMG path. The device path is probably wrong!
28 Mar 2009 12:07:18 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.JSymphonicWindow:<init> : JSymphonic is ready!

is there any way i can launch the program from my mp3 player HDD because the program contains an xml file (i believe saves settings such as the players directory). this way i can transfer music from different computers easily.

Im guessing in terminal i would have to change directory to my mp3 players hard disk then java -jar JSymphonic_v0.3.0a2.jar.

But i would like a method of double click and have the program launch

Also no problems here:

java -jar JSymphonic_v0.3.0a2.jar
28.03.2009 20:22:24 org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.SettingsHandler startDocument
INFO: Reading file /tmp/JSymphonic.xml...!
28.03.2009 20:22:24 org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.SettingsHandler endDocument
INFO: Done reading file
28 Mrz 2009 20:22:24 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.JSymphonicWindow:<init> : Initializing JSymphonic...
28 Mrz 2009 20:22:25 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.device.DeviceManager:initOmgPath : Initializing OMG path
28 Mrz 2009 20:22:25 [WARNING] org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.device.DeviceManager:initOmgPath : The device path /tmp/Invalid path/omgaudio does not exist!
28 Mrz 2009 20:22:25 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.device.DeviceManager:mountDevice : Mounting the device  Walkman
28 Mrz 2009 20:22:25 [WARNING] org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.device.DeviceManager:mountDevice : The OMG path is not set! Please set the device path!
28 Mrz 2009 20:22:25 [WARNING] org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.device.DevicePanel:reloadTree : Cannot find OMG path. The device path is probably wrong!
28 Mrz 2009 20:22:25 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.JSymphonicWindow:<init> : JSymphonic is ready!

Running on openSUSE 11.1 x86_64 java-1_6_0-sun-u13 (rebuild from src.rpm of u12, so my Java-installation is certainly “openSUSE-compatible”)

It looks like your original problem is that you separated the jar file from the xml file (which I assume comes out of the zip file also). It seems you have to launch the jar in the same directory as the xml file.

You could create an iconic launcher that would first change directory to wherever you decide to store both the jar and the xml. From the desktop choose Create New > Link to Application. The working directory is specified under Application as Work Path.