I’ve tried to get Apache2 to work in a LAMP (from HowToForge, but I’ve found some misspelling of links and files in the instruction) configuration but with SSL function, but with no luck. I have reinstalled all LAMP application a couple of times, and used both Yast2 and Terminal installation.
I’m using:
OpenSUSE 13.1
Apache 2.4.6-6.27.1
MariaDB 10.0.13-8.1
PHP 5.6.0-248.5
So, please help me to get a installation and configuration that works. Perhaps a link? Maybe a description on “paper”?
Did you install the Web and LAMP Server pattern under Server Functions in the Pattern View of YaST > Software > Software Management?
When not, please do so to be certain that you have all you need (e.g. the YaST module for Apache).
You can start the Apache server from YaST > System > Services Manager.
That and some basic configuration can also be done from YaST > Network Services > HTTP server.
Any further configuartion, etc depends very much on what you intend to do with it.
So please explain much more when you want more advice.
For anyone new to openSUSE,
Various outside references like “How To…” should not be the first place to start.
openSUSE is <easy>.
openSUSE is for the <impatient>.
Just install the packages and/or patterns, then
Look for a way to setup in YAST, if you don’t see something immediately you can do a search in YAST Software Management or the following in zypper (ignore the “trans” packages, they’re language translations)
zypper search yast2-*
Then you can install the package
zypper install *packagename *
If you don’t find that, ask if there is a way to do that in these Forums.
Only as a last resort, look elsewhere for suggestions.