Help running a "link to application"; "finished shell"

I’m not sure if I’m posting this in the correct place or giving enough information, but below is a summary of my problem.

I have created a “link to application” on my desktop. When I click on this to execute, all I get is a “Finished Shell”, i.e., a terminal window opens (because I specified to run in terminal and not to close when command exits). I can manually start the program via a terminal window, but I’d like to use the shortcut.

Other users can run their “link to application”, which was setup in the same manner as mine without problem. Seeing this, I’ve started to compare differences in my environment or profile versus other users who don’t have this problem. The only thing I’ve found different so far is that don’t have “SSH_AGENT_PID = …” and SSH_AUTH_SOCK = …" in my profile where “…” is the value that others have. Would this be causing my problem?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

maybe you’ve missed the quotation marks… when you want to execute a command like:


you have to put single quotation marks () around. so the command above would be: '/usr/bin/compiz’

Thanks for the suggestion, but when I tried use of single quotes in the command to run the program, it didn’t work.

I believe my command and “link” is correct because I am using the same as other users. When I double-click on it, it comes up as “finished”, which puzzles me.

try to create the link manually.
open a terminal / konsole
cd to the Desktop dir and type:

ln -s *command*