Help Removing Cpan Please

I made the mistake of taking advice and installing and trying to update cpan. 40+ minutes later the process was still running, I suspect in an endless loop due to interlocked dependencies, so I stopped it.

Later I found the reason for resorting to cpan no longer applied and I would like to get rid of it all, as I use Perl from openSUSE repo sites.

Trouble is I do not know where cpan put everything. There is a new Perl5 directory in my home directory but I am sure stuff went into /usr/bin and other places too no doubt.
I would like to clean out the cpan downloads but am scared to touch anything for fear of breaking the repo installed Perl. Is the a cpan uninstall I wonder?
What should I do please?

Does it show in Yast- Software management? If so you can remove it there. Also at bottom right there is a tab that shows all the files and loc for the package. If not thee then you will have to go to the people that wrote it or look into the RPM to see what is where

Hi and thanks for the reply. The perl installation in Yast is what I want. I ran cpan also from the console so I have two versions, the modules installed by Yast and the whole shooting match downloaded but no modules installed from this cpan download.

Google tells me I should probably just leave the unwanted stuff alone. It is not harming anyone and I do not need the space, so that is what I shall do. Many thanks again.