Help please -- screencasts to web with editing in the middle suse 11.4 .


I found the packman repo. like I’m guessing most people do getting into multimedia but I’m having no luck making all the pieces work together.

Here’s what I have so far:

recordmydesktop-gtk – it took a little while but I got this one work just fine.

NOTE: this is with video of only 15 fps, not a default standard but need to do it this way to work within the processing limits of my system, and, it’s plenty good for a screencast anyway.

handbrake - works fine for trancoding the file into something for openshot. I’m trancoding it to an mp4. I keep as much as possible the same all the way through for both the sound and the video such as the number of channels on the sound, fps on the video and everything else I can.

openshot - works good for editing but an exported file doesn’t export well to work on the web so need to run it through handbrake again.

Some symptoms exporting from openshot at this point:
  ogg files - sound gets out of sync with video.
  x264 (mp4's) -- seems fine in opensuse but not when tried playing on the web. Because this is the format that doesn't 
    get out of sync. we use this to pass to handbrake again. Some notes on variations tried with the sound which the problem for next step:
            MP4 (264)
            aac                22050 1 192 crash
            ac3                22050 1 192 good sound but once put through handbrake the sound becomes choppy.
            ac3_fixed       22050 1 192 good sound but once put through handbrake the sound becomes choppy.
            libvorbis         22050 1 192 crash

handbrake again - cannot get the output file from openshot transcoded into anything useful. The Video is fine but the sound becomes choppy. I've I tried all sorts of combinations in both openshot and handbrake (many more than shown above).

I did find one thing that helped in a forum where I had to add a file that was a dependency of openshot (1.4), before I did that it would crash when trying to export mp4 files.

I should mention that I am not attached to either handbrake or openshot. They are just the ones I got to work at all but if someone has a much better combination to use, I’ll use it!

I’m brand new at all this video stuff I have much to learn no doubt.

I use the command below to convert sceencasts from recordmydesktop. Just change the path to your files, and the desired screen resolution.

ffmpeg -i ~/Record-My-Desktop/out.ogv -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 700x400 -qscale 5 ~/Record-My-Desktop/out.flv

Thanks but getting from Recordmydesktop to something else isn’t the problem. It’s the editing to web steps that I’m having problems with.