Help!please help!how to uninstall linux open suse?

i have installed open suse not sure which version on a brand new system.
i want to uninstall and install vista home premium 64.
i have nothing i want to save on system and want a fresh start on vista.
i have tried booting vista and going through install but it eventually comes up with an error that the partitions are not ain the correct format.
i think i need to wipe the system clean then install?

You need to format your disk to ntfs

I find that the only way vista seems to accept is if I use an XP install cd and format with that. Then exit the install. Boot from Vista dvd
You could try Parted Magic
if you don’t have a xp cd.

Can’t you just use the vista install disk to:
first delete all existing partitions.
second and then create new ones and format them.
All in the one installation?

John, I tried that and it just really didn’t work. Seems to be a pile of you know what:X
So I used my XP disk.

The format from the Vista disk, still gave me invalid result:\

thanks everyone…dont have xp disc and yes i deffinately need to format to ntfs thats the error that shows!
parted magic?easy to use and then uninstall?
appolagies for my lack of computer knowledge but am so gratefull to everyone!!!thanks

Parted Magic will delete partitions, but now I think about it, it may not do ntfs. It is easy to use. Uninstall?? It’s a live CD runs from the cd or loads to RAM

This may be an option for you
Hiren’s BootCD 9.7 -

right im gona give it a go but will get from there is a newer version with linux swap and it is ntfs
have never downloaded with linux though succesfuly can i just save then open with dolphin?
gawd i am terrible but hey we all have to start somewhere lol


PartedMagic will repartition and format to NTFS.
Or get hold of the toolkit from the maker of your HDD.
Or get any old DOS bootable and use fdisk /mbr and then fdisk.

Very simple.

(Security measure: Just in case you have 2 HDs, better disconnect the one you want to keep unchanged.)

Boot from Suse CD or DVD, select the rescue system.
When you are on the text console and looged in as root, type in the following:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda count=10k

This will overwrite the boot sector of the first hard disk (WARNING: Linux might consider the order of HDs different than Windows!) including the partition table and the beginning of the following filesystem with all zeros - recovery IMPOSSIBLE !! After that, Windows will consider the HD as “factory new” and there is NO way to get any data back! (Except in special fortunate cases but you need a very skilled linux user to even try.)

Btw, this also a reliable way to kill all boot sector viruses - there’s no defence against this command. AFAIK, there is no way to do something like this under windows (maybe for good reasons), so do yourself a favour and keep the Suse CD/DVD: If you get a boot sector virus that you cannot get rid of, you will need it :wink:


No, that’s not possible since windows fdisk can only handle ntfs and fat partitions. A whatever else partition is shown as no partition. Trying to use this space will end up in an error. That’s how Billy boy sees the world. Nothing else but M$. rotfl!



i think im gona have to phone helpline in morning cant find linux cd either and no disks aaaaaargh
tried dowloading with linux open suse 11.1 but cant run after???what do you usually open it with?do u extract files first?i have tried that but didnt work either
ready to smash it up aaaaargh thanks peeps