Help needed to recover deleted files

Dear all,
i know that this is quite difficult, not to say impossible. However, i decided to give it a try. I tried using testdisk. The partitions it found are listed below.

    Partition                  Start        End    Size in sectors
  1 * HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33    12 223 19     204800 [System Reserved]
  2 P HPFS - NTFS             12 223 20 15310 185 43  245760000
  3 E extended LBA         15310 185 44 60801  80 63  730806320
  5 L Linux                15310 218 13 19879 207 40   73400320
    X extended             19879 207 41 60478 102 40  652216320
> 6 L Linux                19879 240 10 60478 102 40  652214272
    X extended             60478 102 41 60801  80 63    5187632
  7 L Linux Swap           60478 135 10 60801  80 63    5185584

The hard drive has intel partition and I deleted the files by pressing shift+delete. The directory, that contained the files I deleted as well. I have not written on the partition since then. Is there a way to recover the directory? One of our system admins managed to pull off this trick, unfortunately, i did it again on my private pc :frowning: . So, no help from him.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

You could start with telling filesystem type on this partition.

Thank you for your reply. df -T tells me ext4. /dev/sda6 is my linux home

/dev/sda6      ext4     319870880 212020420  91528720  70% /home

You could try extundelete or ext4magic

thank you for the suggestion. I think, that I know, what I will be doing today :).

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