Help needed in setting up a bootable USB-stick

Hi Guys,

I need some help to set up a bootable USB stick.

I have an USB stick, 3.7 gigs big, on which I want to put the OpenSuse Live CD iso, but somehow I am stuck…

I have formatted the stick and I have set the boot flag in KDE partitionmanager. Then I have put the .iso on it, using Unetbootin.
When I now try to boot it, I get the message

could not find Kernel boot image: gfxboot

what is wrong here?

Is maybe the boot flag not set, despite the partitionmanager shows it set? Can I set it also afterwards, after I have installed the .iso on the stick (I tried this already, did not change anything)? Or is there something wrong with the .iso?

I don´t know where to look and what to do, so any hint and tip would be very much appreciated!

Thanks in advance!


Unetbootin does not seem to work with the latest OpenSuse. Try the procedures here.

SDB:Live USB stick - openSUSE

I have it! Thank you very much!!