Hi Guys,
I need some help to set up a bootable USB stick.
I have an USB stick, 3.7 gigs big, on which I want to put the OpenSuse Live CD iso, but somehow I am stuck…
I have formatted the stick and I have set the boot flag in KDE partitionmanager. Then I have put the .iso on it, using Unetbootin.
When I now try to boot it, I get the message
could not find Kernel boot image: gfxboot
what is wrong here?
Is maybe the boot flag not set, despite the partitionmanager shows it set? Can I set it also afterwards, after I have installed the .iso on the stick (I tried this already, did not change anything)? Or is there something wrong with the .iso?
I don´t know where to look and what to do, so any hint and tip would be very much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!