Help! My computer won't play anything after opensuse 13.2 installation

Reaading so many scary privacy-leaking “features” of Windows 10, I wiped it off and installed OpenSuse 13.2
Ever since, my laptop won’t play any video or any mp3 files.
Checked the forum, apparently there’s some “one-click” thing I need to perform and the issue will be resolved, but when I open the link in that sticky thread, i land on a page saying: “For technical reasons codec 1-click installation is not currently available. In the meantime refer to”.
Please help me if you can. I am “The lord of the idiots” when it comes to Linux, but a semi-pro in Windows, no idea what’s going on here…
Thank you.

That one-click thing is only a partial solution do this instead:
copy/paste this in a terminal window

sudo zypper ar -f
sudo zypper dup --from packman
sudo zypper in vlc-codecs libxine2-codecs gstreamer-plugins-libav

the last command will probobly not be nececary but just in case it won’t hurt to check that the needed codecs are installed

To explain openSUSE ships only open source programs (note the name). Most media uses some form of proprietary formats. To play proprietary formats you must add packman and do a vendor change to pull in the codecs needed. Note if you already had added packman but maybe by the one click I_A’s solution may add it again. This does not hurt but is not needed and will slow updates. You can see the current repos by

zypper lr -d

Or in Yast repository management

I thought I read that he didn’t do the 1-click solution

Checked the forum, apparently there’s some “one-click” thing I need to perform and the issue will be resolved, but when I open the link in that sticky thread, i land on a page saying: “For technical reasons codec 1-click installation is not currently available. In the meantime refer to”.

so the above should be foolproof

Miss read but still may help those that may have added packman but did not do a vendor change or did use the one clcik

yes if you already have packman do not add it again as it might cause sync issues or extra confusion, if you did the 1-click and already have packman tell us your repo list

zypper lr -d

Maybe m doing something wrong, but this is what I get when I copy paste your first command:

sudo zypper ar -f
root’s password:
If only one argument is used, it must be a URI pointing to a .repo file.
addrepo (ar) [options] <URI> <alias>
addrepo (ar) [options] <file.repo>

Add a repository to the system. The repository can be specified by its URI or can be read from specified .repo file (even remote).

Command options:
-r, --repo <file.repo> Just another means to specify a .repo file to read.
-t, --type <type> Type of repository (yast2, rpm-md, plaindir).
-d, --disable Add the repository as disabled.
-c, --check Probe URI.
-C, --no-check Don’t probe URI, probe later during refresh.
-n, --name <name> Specify descriptive name for the repository.
-k, --keep-packages Enable RPM files caching.
-K, --no-keep-packages Disable RPM files caching.
-g, --gpgcheck Enable GPG check for this repository.
-G, --no-gpgcheck Disable GPG check for this repository.
-f, --refresh Enable autorefresh of the repository.

haven’t tried the other commands, shall i skip the first command and proceed to the next two?

| Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh

1 | openSUSE-13.2-0 | openSUSE-13.2-0 | No | No
2 | repo-debug | openSUSE-13.2-Debug | No | Yes
3 | repo-debug-update | openSUSE-13.2-Update-Debug | No | Yes
4 | repo-debug-update-non-oss | openSUSE-13.2-Update-Debug-Non-Oss | No | Yes
5 | repo-non-oss | openSUSE-13.2-Non-Oss | Yes | Yes
6 | repo-oss | openSUSE-13.2-Oss | Yes | Yes
7 | repo-source | openSUSE-13.2-Source | No | Yes
8 | repo-update | openSUSE-13.2-Update | Yes | Yes
9 | repo-update-non-oss | openSUSE-13.2-Update-Non-Oss | Yes | Yes

M not trying this at the moment, as I’ve already started with I_A’s commands. Mixing up two different suggestions at the same time might cause problems, right?

You missed the space after the / packman

I think I typed it wrong but I’m pretty sure I had a space between and packman
it should be

sudo zypper ar -f packman

sorry for the typo

hello everyone,
sorry for the late reply, I was out on a work trip and didn’t carry the Linux laptop with me (it isn’t properly set-up yet).
I’m glad to let you guys know, the commands have worked :slight_smile:
I can now play all my music/video files in opensuse :slight_smile:
One last question, do I need to “switch system” to “pacman”? Some threads suggest opening Yast and “Switching to pacman”.
I haven’t done this (unless one of the commands did this outside of Yast), just followed I_A’s recommendation and the system is playing all videos without the “repo switch” in Yast…

No if you did it with zypper you don’t need to do it again with yast.
more info here