help me can't remove package

I installed truecrypt-7.1a-linux-x64 but want remove terminal show message not package
but this app installed my system
how to remove truecrypt?

@linux-a3vj:~> sudo zypper remove truecrypt
root’s password:
Retrieving repository ‘KDE:Extra’ metadata …[done]
Building repository ‘KDE:Extra’ cache …[done]
Retrieving repository ‘Packman Repository’ metadata …[done]
Building repository ‘Packman Repository’ cache …[done]
Retrieving repository ‘home:ecsos’ metadata …[done]
Building repository ‘home:ecsos’ cache …[done]
Retrieving repository ‘openSUSE-13.2-Update-Debug’ metadata …[done]
Building repository ‘openSUSE-13.2-Update-Debug’ cache …[done]
Retrieving repository ‘openSUSE-13.2-Update’ metadata …[done]
Building repository ‘openSUSE-13.2-Update’ cache …[done]
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
‘truecrypt’ not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
No provider of ‘truecrypt’ is installed.
Resolving package dependencies…

Nothing to do.

and type this command
@linux-a3vj:~> rpm -q truecrypt
package truecrypt is not installed

but installed truecrypt
please help me how to remove same installed packages?
sorry for my english

opensuse 13.2 kde

this app installed apart truecrypt-7.1a-linux-x64.tar.gz
and package name truecrypt
not install with software repositories

If the package wasn’t an .rpm, the system has no knowledge of it - it’s like you manually copied files into your system.

Does the truecrypt package have or similar?

yes,have icon and uninstall when right click have uninstall item when click uninstall errors not found package

No, not in the menu. This tries to uninstall the RPM package truecrypt which isn’t installed.

How exactly did you install it in the first place?
Did you run some “” or setup or similar, that was included in the .tar.gz file, or did you just copy the files somewhere?

No, not in the menu. This tries to uninstall the RPM package truecrypt which isn’t installed.

How exactly did you install it in the first place?
Did you run some “” or setup or similar, that was included in the .tar.gz file, or did you just copy the files somewhere?

In the former case, there’s hopefully some uninstaller included as well. If not, or if you installed it by copying files yourself, you have to delete those files manually again.

I installed with

Well, there should be some as well then.

According to apt - Cannot uninstall TrueCrypt - Ask Ubuntu you should try running this:


Thanx bro now uninstall program thanx for help me