help installing wireless scanner

I am new to open suse

I have a canon pixma mp495 wireless printer/scanner.
I was able to setup the wireless printing pretty easy however I can not seem to get the wireless scanner to work.
I use the scanner configuration tool to install the scanner driver . When it scans my network for the scanner it will detect it an will have the correct ip address.
I go to use xsane and the correct scanner comes up and the correct ip address and when i click scan it says error during read: read/error during device I/O.

I was able to get the wireless scanner to work with linux mint and it works with my Mac. So the scanner works.

thank you


Install the Drivers from here:

thanks for the reply. I am new to linux how do i install the driver

Thank you

Download the tarball (MP495series-scanner_driver.tar) and extract the files. (The file manager may have an option to extract via a right-click.) The files will be located in directory called ‘MP495series-scanner_driver’. From there, unpack (extract) the RPM’s contained in scangearmp-mp495series-1.60-1-rpm.tar.gz, and you’ll find and script which should take care of the rest for you. Using the Canon proprietary scanner driver also requires that you use the included ‘scangearmp’ application as well ie you can’t use xsane or derivatives. Hope that helps.

i went to install it and whe i went to i got this
Command executed = rpm -Uvh ./packages/scangearmp-common-1.60-1.x86_64.rpm
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by scangearmp-common-1.60-1.x86_64

You can install the RPM packages manually. Just change directory to where they are located, and right-click on the ‘scangearmp-common-1.60-1.x86_64.rp’ first, and install with the package manager (Install/Remove Software). Then so the same with ‘scangearmp-mp495series-1.60-1.x86_64.rpm’. It should take care of any dependences for you.

thank for your help
i got the files to install.
I went in to yast to verify they were installed. They both were.
However the version number 1.60-1 was in red on both entries

scangearmp-common - ScanGear MP Ver.1.60 for Linux 1.60-1 (in red)
scangearmp-mp495series - ScanGear MP Ver.1.60 for Linux 1.60-1 (in red)

I also could not find where it installed. I did a search and nothing came up
I went to show solver information this is what is said for both entries Package libqdialogsolver is required for this feature

Thank you

As long as you have the packages installed all should be okay. Try launching scangearmp (with you scanner attached)


In addition to the proprietary driver support discussed so far, a little more research shows that the MP495 scanner device should also be supported by the SANE pixma backend. So, this could be explored further if desired.

man sane-pixma

NETWORKING SUPPORT The pixma backend supports network scanners using the so called Canon
BJNP protocol. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.

   Configuration is normally not required.  The pixma backend  will  auto-
   detect your scanner if it is within the same subnet as your computer if
   your OS does support this.
   If your scanner can not be auto-detected, you can add it to  the  pixma
   configuration file (see above).

FIREWALLING FOR NETWORKED SCANNERS The sane pixma backend communicates with port 8612 on the scanner. So
you will have to allow outgoing traffic TO port 8612 on the common sub‐
net for scanning.

   Scanner detection is slightly more complicated. The pixma backend sends
   a broadcast on all direct connected subnets it can find (provided  your
   OS  allows for enumeration of all netowrk interfaces). The broadcast is
   sent FROM port 8612 TO port 8612  on  the  broadcast  address  of  each
   interface.   The outgoing packets will be allowed by the rule described
   Responses from the scanner are sent back to the computer TO port  8612.
   Connection  tracking  however does not see a match as the response does
   not come from the broadcast address but from the scanners own  address.
   For  automatic  detection  of  your scanner, you will therefore have to
   allow incoming packets TO port 8612 on your computer.
   So in short: open the firewall for all traffic from  your  computer  to
   port 8612 AND to port 8612 to your computer.
   With  the  firewall  rules above there is no need to add the scanner to
   the pixma.conf file, unless the scanner is on a  network  that  is  not
   directly connected to your computer.

For testing purposes, it may be beneficial to disable the firewall temporarily.