Hi I can’t install software. When I go to install an .exe file or something it says there are packets missing.
How do I install stuff? Is windows stuff not compatible? Because that doesn’t work, but it might not be because of windows stuff because stuff made for linux doesn’t work either in regards to installing/missing packets/whatever.
What am I doing wrong?
Also what are good/free antivirus/firewall for linux?
Right, this is not windows so .exe’s wont install without help such as Wine.
The best way to install software in Suse much less any Linux distro is use something called a repository, a repository is a library of packages where you can install apps.
Also there is one click install that Suse uses to install packages, use this page to get started: Software.openSUSE.org
Search for the application you want and it will offer a installer.
But note if you weant itunes/winamp/Microsoft office and such it wont work without wine.
Tell us the apps you use on windows and possibly we can give you a linux alternative.
Well I would like Open Office, Trillian (I read there is alternative called Gaim but I can’t find out how to download and install it), a firewall and antivirus.
OpenOffice should be pre installed on your system.
And depending on the version you installed we have Pidgin or Kopete as a all in one IM client.
Firewall and antivirus I would not worry about as much, most linux OS’s come with a firewall and this includes Opensuse.
Antivirus is not needed, there are no real viruses for linux.
That I am unsure of, some webcams simply wont work in linux and certain kinds of mics might not either.
Is this a wireless or USB mic?
The Mic issue possibly can be fixed if we had info as well as the webcam but I imagine the webcam will be harder to setup.
MSN is tricky, after all MSN is made by a company that wants to kill linux (Microsoft).
Amsn might be a bit better in that respect, Amsn is a linux app that focuses mainly on the MSN client.
For this you will need to learn how to enable extra repositories., if you need lessons on using the repositories and adding new ones I can teach you.
Well most likey the mic is probably muted, see that icon that looks like a speaker in your taskbar?
Thats the volume control, with luck it will work your mic.
How do I make this amsn work with 11.1? Where should I download it from. When I tried to download it from a different site it said I needed other stuff and the download/install format was unfamiliar, in the sense I haven’t even seen that before with this linux stuff.
Its not something that will be installed, a repo is more like a link then anything else.
If you enable the repository nothing will be installed, it will be up to you to install the package from this point.
Now I assume you added this repository correct?
Alright, I think its about time you learned how to use a package manager.
Firstly go to your menu and go to “system”
Then go to “configuration”
Then open up the application listed as Yast administrator settings.
Type in your password and then it will open.
Next go to “software repositories” in your new window
After that click the “add” button
click on the circle next to “community repositories”
and then click “next”
click on the boxes next to the following:
Main repository (both OSS and non OSS)
After that hit “OK”
Click “import” each time a screen comes up asking about the GnuPG key
This should add the rerpos to your list and then hit “OK” again
After that go to “software management”
After it loads search for Amsn
click on the box next to the amsn package and then hit “accept” extra packages it will need it will alert you, hit “continue”
it will then begin to install and after a while the installer will close.
Close off Yast and Amsn should be installed.