New to openSUSE 11.1
I downloaded jre-6u12-linux-i586-rpm.bin to folder - home/username/bin.
I would like to use the KDE4 install software GUI not Terminal to install the jre for firefox and konqueror.
Could some one help me do this?
New to openSUSE 11.1
I downloaded jre-6u12-linux-i586-rpm.bin to folder - home/username/bin.
I would like to use the KDE4 install software GUI not Terminal to install the jre for firefox and konqueror.
Could some one help me do this?
Go into the YaST Control Center and click Software Management. Search for sun. Install java-1_6_0-sun update 12 is in the repos.
Also, you’ll still need to create a symbolic link in console. Easy as this. Open up a terminal.
Gain rootly powers by typing su and then your root password.
cd into the browser-plugins folder
cd /usr/lib/browser-plugins
create the symbolic link to the java 1.6.0 update 12 plugin
ln -s /etc/alternatives/jre_1.6.0/plugin/i386/ns7
Restart your web browser and it should work after that. Test it here Verify Java Version
If you still would just like to use the .bin file I’ll tell you how to do it with the LEAST amount of terminal usage I know. Open dolphin or konqueror and go to the location of the jre-6u12-linux-i586-rpm.bin file. Right click it and go to properties. Click permissions and click the box that says “is executable” so it’s checked. Then open a terminal and type this.
After you agree this will make the .rpm for you. Look back in /home/username/bin and there will be a jre-6u12-linux-i586.rpm
Click it, enter your root password, and Yast should take over.
You’ll still need to create a symbolic link to java for your web browser though and this symbolic link is located in a different place than if you installed from the repos.
cd into the browser plugin folder
cd /usr/lib/browser-plugins
create a symbolic link
ln -s /usr/java/jre1.6.0_12/plugin/i386/ns7
Restart your browser and it should work! Once again you can test your installation here Verify Java Version
Thanks so much.
After an os update in openSUSE 11.1 KDE4, I was then able to get to Sun Repos. Works great in this flavor of openSUSE.
I then wanted to find the Sun Repos in openSUSE 11.1 GNOME. First I wanted to update the GNOME version of openSUSE 11.1. I got this error message - Cannot access instailation media (medium 1). Check whether the server is accessible.
I put the url it was complaning about in firefox.
Index of /debug/distribution/11.1/repo/oss
Firefox found the above url just fine.
Please give me some more help.
If you can get into the OpenSUSe repositories from firefox, then just download the .rpms from the repositories in firefox. They’ll still open up in yast and they’ll still download in the same place.
The difference between the rpm in the OpenSUSE repositories and the rpm that java gives you is the location of the installation. You can then continue to make the symbolic link just as if you installed the rpm from the OpenSUSE repositories.
And also, the Java repository
Sorry, you want the Java .rpm from the update repository
Index of /update/11.1/rpm/i586
You want java-1_6_0-sun-1.6.0.u12-1.2.1.i586.rpm
Hope this helps!
Is it necessary to have both Java-Sun & Java-openJDK in the same install? I have both of these, but cannot find “/etc/alternatives/jre_1.6.0/plugin/i386/ns7” -there is no ‘plugin’ directory in /etc/alternatives/jre_1.6.0.
If both are not needed, which version of Java should be uninstalled ?
Also, what is the relation to ‘IcedTea’ Java version ?
No, you can only use one of them at the same time.
# update-alternatives --config java
Make sure you have both java-1_6_0-sun and java-1_6_0-sun-plugin installed.
The missing directory might also be here /etc/alternatives/jre_sun/plugin/i386/ns7
If all else fails, download the .rpm from SUN and follow my steps of how to install from the .rpm.
Hope this helps!
In /usr/lib/browser-plugins, there is a link to javaplugin.so. This points to
-> /etc/alternatives/javaplugin, which in turn points to -> /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.6.0-openjdk/lib/i386/IcedTeaPlugin.so
How can I remedy this ? I can’t see any “javaplugin*.so” in the Sun-Java directory. This persisted even after I used the <# update-alternatives --config java> cmd as root as mentioned in your earlier post.
However, I modified the soft-link of libjavaplugin_oji.so (in /usr/lib/browser-plugins) to point to /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so (as that is where the Sun Java 1.6 is installed).
Presently, Java is installed from openSUSE 11.1-Update Repos. What repo should I use to install the Sun Java environment (non-OSS/Update/Java) ?
If all else fails, download the .rpm from SUN and follow my steps of how to install from the .rpm.
Prior to this, I should uninstall Java-openJDK (including Java openJDK Plugin)?
I’m guessing so, if you can only use one or the other.
So try uninstalling Java-openJDK (including Java openJDK Plugin) then follow my steps on how to install the .rpm and then configure it for firefox.
Hope this helps!
On trying this again, the .rpm was unpacked into my /home/ian directory instead of my /home/ian/Desktop directory where I told it to unpack, so if it’s not in the original directory check your /home/username directory.
Also, you need root privileges to build the rpm.
You can also follow the directions from the java website
How do I download and install Java for my Linux computer? - 1.5.0, 6.0
I would like to install JRE under Suse Linux.11.1, Gnome, for Firefox. With my search on “how to install Java on Suse Linux 11.1” I came to a directory “Index of /distribution/11.1/repo/non-oss/suse/x86_64” at URL Index of /distribution/11.1/repo/non-oss
I have no idea which one of the rpm files I should download and install. How did you select your rpm package? What are the parameters that should guide my selection?
Linux is not Windows, so don’t use Windows type methods like “Download from site XYZ and install by hand”, these are stone age methods for stone age OSes.
Add “non-oss” Repository to your installation sources (YaST => Software => Software)
Select and install the respective packages (java-1_6_0-sun and respective plugin) with your package manager.
Okay, first off, are you using 32 bit or 64 bit OpenSUSE?
Second follow my instructions for downloading Sun Java from the UPDATE repositories and select the version for your version of OpenSUSE, either x86_64 or ix86 (i686, i586…etc). Also the latest Java is Update 12.
help installing jre-6u12-linux-i586-rpm.bin. - openSUSE Forums
Uninstalled the OpenJDK Java (including OpenJDK Java-Plugin).
Then did
# update-alternatives --auto java
After this, was able to get Sun Java ver (1.6.12) working. Have checked at the Sun website (Verify Java Version) & it works.
Did not have to uninstall the Sun Java version.
Glad to see you got it working