Hola a todos, tengo un pequeño problema con la tarjeta de red, es una d-Link DWL-G520+, la cual me funcionaba bien con Suse 10, ahora que he actualizado a suse 11.1, el problema es que el sistema ha instalado un driver de texas instruments iwacx111 y cuando entro en Yast me dice que no se puede configurar la tarjeta… voy a información del hardware y me dice que es la mía… he probado a reinstalar todo el sistema y me instala el controlador de texas instruments… además no me deja desinstalarlo e instalar ningun otro. ¿Alguna idea? Gracias.
Hi there everyone, i change my Suse 10 to Suse 11.1 then my system became to do stranglers things… install and texas instruments iwacx111 and when i try to configure it, the system says “cant do it, it dont exist”… any idea to change the driver? thanks.
You need the acx111 firmware, select the right one for your device from here Index of /fw/acx111_1.2.1.34/ if you don’t know which one, try each in turn. You just download then copy to /lib/firmware
Tu necesitas la firmware de acx111. Elige lo correcto para tu tarjeta del indice /fw/acx111_1.2.1.34/ Si no sepas cual sea lo correcto prueba cada uno. Simplianamente bajalos y copealos a /lib/firmware.
Thanks deltaflyer44, thanks erikro, IT WORKS!!!, there are a few problems in the net configuration but … its working. acx111c16 is the archive that i need use with D-Link DWL-G520+.
Thanks again, and surely next weed i will be here answering by other thing…
Excellent, glad you got it working. @erikro
Thanks for the translation part, my Spanish is very rusty,haven’t used it in years,but can still read a bit. Thank you
Hello to everyone.
I also have the D-link DWL-G520+ and I´m trying to put it into the monitor mode. I’ve been trying everything but I’ve been able to do it.
Do you have the chipset driver (TI ACX111)??
Could you help me please? I need it
Muy buenas a todos.
Yo tambien tengo la tarjeta D-link DWL-G520+ y estoy intentando ponerla en el modo monitor. He intentado todo pero no he podido.
Teneis el driver para su chipset (TI ACX111)??
Necesito ayuda por favor.