Help in adjusting locked memory

I am running Ardour which wants no limits on locked memory. There is one post here (Need to unlock Locked Memory)
but it is confusing since it involves creating a user in an audio group.
I don’t see an audio group when I use YAST.
Can someone provide me with specific instructions on how to do this in Leap 15.4? Thank you

I’m currently using Leap 15.4. And I see a group “audio”.

Try (as an ordinary user)

grep audio /etc/group

Assuming that there’s an entry, you can access that with
Yast → Security and Users

Select a user (perhaps yourself), and click “Edit”. Then go to the “details” tab and you should be able to add that user to the audio group.

In YaST → Security and Users, when searching the tab “groups” you need to change the filter setting (top right button) to “System Groups”. Then again, click “edit” and add the user to the group.
Different way, same result.

You do not need this group. Just configure limits.conf for your own user (or whatever user needs this setting).

Ok. It got done. Thanks