Help.. I accidentally broke Firefox

I tried to update firefox using yast, and now Firefox will not launch. I have downloaded 3.6 and I can run it from within its directory, but I would like to get back to all of the nice desktop integration and Im not sure exactly what I did wrong in the 1st place…Reinstallation in Yast does NOT fix the issue and I have had the same issue with a few other packages… OpenSuse 11.2 KDE 4.3.5

So what version is actually installed now?
The repo .rpm? or the one you compiled manually?

If the .rpm, did you remove the compiled version

Have you added the mozilla repo to your list?
Did you use the package switcher on the mozilla repo?

same thing happened to me.

Try going to Consolde… logging on as root… and type firefox.

my works when I do that.

Don’t run Firefox as root. You’re opening yourself up to far worse problems doing this. A failing browser can be fixed; a hosed system can be beyond repair.

Open a terminal window and do this:

killall firefox

mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.old

Then restart firefox from the menu and see what it does.