help : How to remove the tab-like character in terminal?

In my terminal , there’s always a tab-like(a long space) between the
“pswz-zhangy@linux-buym:~>” and the cursor, how can i get rid of if?
thank you~~

You mean ‘~’ character ?

Best regards,

Hello cnpswzy and welcome to the community!:slight_smile:

That’s simple to change.
Open your ~/.bashrc and add this line:

export PS1="$USER@$HOST>"

You can also change this to everything you want.
Before this change has effect you need to log-out and in again.

Good luck!:wink:

I know what you mean. There’s about a tab’s size of space after the prompt, and when you type chars don’t appear at the cursor position properly.
In my case I saw this on a LiveCD, behaviour was the same immediately after install, disappeared after installing the NVIDIA driver.
Question: do you have an NVIDIA video card/gpu?

thank you!

I’m now running opensuse in a sun VirtualBox.
It looks like a offset, and become longer when the cursor goes near the right edge of the terminal window.
Sorry, my expression maybe confusing~~

Is that in a real (like in ALT+CTRL+F1) or emulated (like Konsole) terminal? It might be related to the way a terminal emulator compute the pseudo cursor position being confused by the virtual machine DPI settings, which might differ from the host’s DPI. You could try setting the opensuse VM DPI to 96 bps, see if it helps.