[HELP!!!] How to Install Ati Drivers on Suse 11.2

OpenSuse 11.2 is atm giving me a very hard time with the installation of Ati 9.11 Drivers >:(

I’ve been searching the intraweb for an easy step by step guide on how to get the 3D acceleration to work but everything I find is 2 year old information…

Now this is my first time using OpenSuse and to give you an image of how bad I am at it… it took me 3 hours to get my internet working… :sarcastic:

So I was wondering if someone could PM or post here a Very Very Very Easy way of getting things to work so I can finally enjoy my laptop and OpenSuse

I’ve followed the instructions on AMD/ATI homepage and I’ve tried to follow all the other guides including opensuse wiki but nothing has worked for me so far…

I’ve managed to install the Ati CCC but the 3D Acceleration dosn’t seem to work

My laptop is a Packard Bell with Ati Radeon 3650 and OpenSuse 11.2 with no big uppdates

If theres anything you need to know about my computer please ask !!!

Thx a million and sorry for my bad English :shame:

Add this repository manually in Yast → software repositories:


and install the fglrx RPM’s. Check in a terminal for the kernel type that you have by issuing this command:

uname -r

and make sure that the kp RPM matches the kernel.

Afterthought: after the RPMs are installed, open a console window, su to root and run this command to initialise X:

aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf

then reboot

Actually, sorry, those probably aren’t the very latest drivers, but they should give you a go at the 3D stuff.

Hi Swerdna…

I have reinstalled suse 11.2, five times >:( and followed 4 different instructions for installing 9.11 catalyst on suse 11.2.
I have HD2600XT. I have two monitors, but that shouldn’t be a problem.

Every time, after install of Catalyst and reboot, I need to run X server manually and sax2 -r -m 0=fglrx won’t start.

Added repos that you suggested in above post.

Have your tried this method. It worked for me
Generating catalyst 9.11 rpm’s on openSUSE 11.2 - openSUSE Forums