You must burn a disc VERY slow
Are you burning in Linux or Windows?

when i get here what should i do

burnt the iso in wiondows and i did burn it slow

I don’t know how you get this to happen. Here is a slide show of a 11.3 install
Picasa Web Albums - caf4926 - 11.3 Slideshow

ok ill try the 11.2 cd and see if it installs then maybe ill see if i can update to the latest version

now this is what i get when now that in trying to install opensuse 11.2

all i keep seeing is no repositories

Verify the media is OK

How much RAM do you have?

I have 2gb of ram installed on my laptop

Can you confirm you have a install media that has passed this:

yes i got finally got a copy and burnt it installs perfectly , another thing im finding strange is that i cant log in with the password i choose

Case is important in passwords and in general in Linux. Be sure that the password you are trying is the same case as the one entered. Inadvertently having cap locks on can be a surprise.

Well - I can honestly say that that must be a “end user” problem :). Perhaps your CAP LOCK key was on when you specified the password during the installation, or perhaps when you try to log in now? The bad news is that unless you picked a different password for “root” than for your “normal” userid you will have to get by this problem, otherwise you have to reinstall. If you did pick two different passwords, you can use the root account to change your normal user password. When logging in as root, DO NOT log into KDE/Gnome, etc., but instead type a “3” followed by enter on the boot selection screen and log into the console as root instead.

oh my i think ill have to reinstall i used the same passwords thanks for the help any way :slight_smile: