help for zypper install

why not work this command

 **sudo zypper update mozillafirefox**
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'mozillafirefox' not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
No provider of 'mozillafirefox' found.
- Did you mean MozillaFirefox?
Resolving package dependencies...

but this work command

**sudo zypper update MozillaFirefox**
Loading repository data...                                                                                                       
Reading installed packages...                                                                                                    
Resolving package dependencies...

The following 5 packages are going to be upgraded:

  java-1_8_0-openjdk java-1_8_0-openjdk-headless MozillaFirefox mozilla-nspr mozilla-nss

5 packages to upgrade.
Overall download size: 90.0 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 27.3 MiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/...? shows all options] (y):

Can I disable the sensitivity of words in zypper?



is not


Thus the two commands have no connection.

**mozillafirefox=**MozillaFirefox just upper M and F

does it relate to the words being big or small or that is special command name?

I do not know w hat you are after. In Unix/Linux an m is a different character then an M.
As different as it is from an 8 or a Ψ or a .

The package maintainer decided to name his package MozillaFirefox. I guess you have to live with that.

@OP, why the selective updating, zypper dup and it should pull the packages in…?

I do not know w hat you are after. In Unix/Linux an m is a different character then an M.
As different as it is from an 8 or a Ψ or a .

The package maintainer decided to name his package MozillaFirefox. I guess you have to live with that.


Thank You.I forgot for a moment
I want to use a different commands for update MozillaFirefox

If your using a non standard repo, then as long as you switch the packages first, then zypper dup won’t change vendor (the default).

Use verbosity with the -v command (more v’s more verbosity), using zypper dup is the only way to ensure a clean update to the next snapshot and will show you if something may break.

i have found that for zypper,
Searching is case insensitive,
Installing is case sensitive.

As it should be.
Linux is a case sensitive OS, which both forces you to be m more precise in your naming syntax and also gives you additional options not available under case insensitve OS like Windows.